(r2.7.10) (机器人:添加uk:Джордж Мартін;修改fr:George R.R. Martin
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'''乔治·雷蒙德·理查德·马丁''' {{en|George_R._R._Martin|George R. R. Martin}} (出生于1948年9月20日), 有时被称为'''G·R·R·M''', 是美国奇幻、恐怖、科幻小说作家。《[[冰与火之歌]]》 系列畅销史诗奇幻小说是他的代表之作, 最近被美国[[wikipedia:HBO|HBO]]电视台改编成电视剧系列《[[权力的游戏(电视剧)|权力的游戏]]》。他被 《[[wikipedia:TIME magazine|时代杂志]]》评选为,“2011年影响世界的100人”<ref name="time100pat">[http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2066367_2066369_2066129,00.html www.time.com] ''The 2011 TIME 100: George R.R. Martin'' By John Hodgman, Thursday, Apr. 21, 2011</ref><ref name="time100list">[http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,2066367,00.html www.time.com] ''The 2011 TIME 100: Full List]'' Retrieved June 5, 2011</ref>。他曾与Gale Burnick于1975到1979年间结为夫妻,并在2011年与Parris McBride结婚。
'''乔治·雷蒙德·理查德·马丁''' ('''''[http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/George_R._R._Martin George R. R. Martin]''''') (出生于1948年9月20日), 有时被称为'''G·R·R·M''', 是美国奇幻、恐怖、科幻小说作家。《[[冰与火之歌]]》 系列畅销史诗奇幻小说是他的代表之作, 最近被美国[[w:HBO|HBO]]电视台改编成电视剧系列《[[权力的游戏电视剧|权力的游戏]]》。他被 《[[w:TIME magazine|时代杂志]]》评选为,“2011年影响世界的100人”<ref name="time100pat">[http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2066367_2066369_2066129,00.html www.time.com] ''The 2011 TIME 100: George R.R. Martin'' By John Hodgman, Thursday, Apr. 21, 2011</ref><ref name="time100list">[http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,2066367,00.html www.time.com] ''The 2011 TIME 100: Full List]'' Retrieved June 5, 2011</ref>。他曾与Gale Burnick于1975到1979年间结为夫妻,并在2011年与Parris McBride结婚。
[[File:George R R Martin 2011 Shankbone.JPG|250px|right|George R Rs now marreds Martin 2011 Shankbone]]
[[File:George R R Martin 2011 Shankbone.JPG|250px|right|George R Rs now marreds Martin 2011 Shankbone]]
乔治·R·R·马丁1948年9月20日生于[[w:Bayonne, New Jersey|新泽西州贝永]]的一个工薪家庭,父亲是一名[[w:longshoreman|码头工人]],住在离贝永码头不远的地方。他从小就酷爱阅读,也喜欢收藏,收藏了60年代美国[[w:Silver Age of Comic Books|"漫画白银时代"]]的所有[[w:superhero|超级英雄]][[w:comic books|漫画书]]。他在还高中的时候就开始投稿。他相信是那封投稿的回信,以及对漫画的热心关注,使他立志成为一名作家的。
乔治·R·R·马丁1948年9月20日生于美国[[wikipedia:Bayonne, New Jersey|新泽西州贝永]]的一个工薪家庭,父亲是一名[[wikipedia:longshoreman|码头工人]],住在离贝永码头不远的地方。他从小就酷爱阅读,也喜欢收藏,收藏了60年代美国[[wikipedia:Silver Age of Comic Books|"漫画白银时代"]]的所有[[wikipedia:superhero|超级英雄]][[wikipedia:comic books|漫画书]]。他在还高中的时候就开始投稿。他相信是那封投稿的回信,以及对漫画的热心关注,使他立志成为一名作家的。
1970年,马丁在[[wikipedia:Evanston,Illinois|伊利诺伊州,埃文斯顿]][[wikipedia:Northwestern University|西北大学]]以最优生的获得新闻专业学士学位。同年,在西北大学获得硕士学位。
马丁70年代早期开始创作短篇科幻故事,但是他发现当一个职业作家不是那么容易的事情(他的一篇投稿曾被不同的杂志驳回了42次),但他从未气馁。几年之后,他的短篇为他几次次赢得了[[w:Hugo Award|雨果奖]]和[[w:Nebula Award|星云奖]]。1973年被[[w:Analog Science Fiction and Fact|Analog]]杂志出版的小说《[[w:With Morning Comes Mistfall|With Morning Comes Mistfall]]》,是他第一次被雨果奖和星云奖所提名。尽管这篇故事并未得奖,但是马丁毫不在意,对他来说,没有什么能比加入“雨果和星云奖落奖者”俱乐部是更大的成就了。
马丁70年代早期开始创作短篇科幻故事,但是他发现当一个职业作家不是那么容易的事情(他的一篇投稿曾被不同的杂志驳回了42次),但他从未气馁。几年之后,他的短篇为他几次次赢得了[[wikipedia:Hugo Award|雨果奖]]和[[wikipedia:Nebula Award|星云奖]]。1973年被[[wikipedia:Analog Science Fiction and Fact|类比]]杂志出版的小说《[[wikipedia:With Morning Comes Mistfall|晨临雾逝]]》,是他第一次被雨果奖和星云奖所提名。尽管这篇故事并未得奖,但是马丁毫不在意,对他来说,比加入“雨果和星云奖落奖者”俱乐部,没有什么是更大的成就了。
1976年在堪萨斯城举办的[[wikipedia:MidAmeriCon|MidAmeriCon]],第34届世界科幻大会([[wikipedia:Worldcon|Worldcon]])上,马丁与他的一名资深作家同伴,[[wikipedia:Gardner Dozois|Gardner Dozois]],举办了最早的雨果奖落选者聚会。这是一个让在前一天颁奖典礼上的落选者(以及他们的亲朋好友)聚在一起互相安慰的地方,在MidAmeriCon期间每天傍晚举行。盛大的聚会早早就准备好了,作为聚会无可争议的主持人,马丁在1976年又落选了;还是“两个”奖项,中短篇小说《杀人前请三思》和与[[wikipedia:Lisa Tuttle|Lisa Tuttle]]同著的短篇小说《风港的暴风雨》。从此年复一年,雨果奖落选者聚会都会在每年的Worldcon上举办,并成为Worldcon上最大的集会之一,而且顺便有了一个更得体的名字。
In 1976 for Kansas City's [[w:MidAmeriCon|MidAmeriCon]], the 34th World Science Fiction Convention ([[w:Worldcon|Worldcon]]), Martin, along with his friend and fellow writer [[w:Gardner Dozois|Gardner Dozois]], conceived of and organized the very first Hugo Losers Party. It was a gathering spot, held the final evening of MidAmeriCon, for the losing writers (and their friends and family) to commiserate following KC's Hugo Awards ceremony the previous night. The large party had been planned well in advance, and perhaps fittingly, being the party's undisputed host, Martin had lost again in 1976; this time it was for ''two'' Hugo Awards: the Novelette "...and Seven Times Never Kill Man" and the Novella "The Storms of Windhaven," co-written with [[w:Lisa Tuttle|Lisa Tuttle]]. In the years and decades that have followed, the Hugo Losers Party become an annual event, evolving into one of the largest social gatherings held at the annual Worldcon, while adopting a more [[w:politically correct|politically correct]] title along the way.
Although much of his work is fantasy or horror, a number of his earlier works are science fiction occurring in a loosely-defined [[w:future history|future history]], known informally as 'The Thousand Worlds' or 'The manrealm'. He has also written at least one piece of political-military fiction, "Night of the Vampyres", collected in [[w:Harry Turtledove|Harry Turtledove's]] anthology ''The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century.''<ref>Turtledove, Harry, ed, with Martin H. Greenberg. ''The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century.'' New York: Ballantine, May 2001, p. 279-306.</ref>
尽管他的大部分作品为奇幻与恐怖小说,但有一部分早期作品发生在一个宽泛定义的未来背景,非正式的称为“一千个世界”或者“The manrealm”。他还写过至少一本军政小说,《吸血鬼之夜》,被收录在[[wikipedia:Harry Turtledove|Harry Turtledove]]的《20世纪最佳军事小说》选集中<ref>Turtledove, Harry, ed, with Martin H. Greenberg. ''The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century.'' New York: Ballantine, May 2001, p. 279-306.</ref>
在20时间80年代,马丁为电视剧创作剧本并成为一名图书编辑。创作的电视剧包括《[[wikipedia:The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series)|阴阳魔界]]》,新《[[wikipedia:Beauty and the Beast (series)|侠胆雄狮]]》。作为图书编辑,他主持了篇幅极长的《百变王牌》系列的编辑工作,该系列讲述了一个在[[wikipedia:shared universe|共同世界]]中的纽约,在[[wikipedia:World War II|第二次世界大战]]时遭到外星病毒的袭击,使得一部分人获得了超能力,改变了之后的世界(该系列是被一个有关超能力的角色扮演游戏启发,马丁和本地的科幻作家和朋友门玩过这个游戏,并做过游戏主持人)。长期为百变王牌供稿的作者包括Pat Cadigan,Stephen Leigh,Lewis Shiner,Walter Jon Williams,Walter Jon Williams和罗杰·泽拉兹尼。他自己的角色则名为“无敌巨龟”,一个具有强大念力的超能力者,拥有一辆装甲改造的大众甲壳虫飞车。《百变王牌》系列继续在马丁的主导下编纂,已出版二十余册,并在2012年系列庆祝其问世二十五周年。
During the 1980s Martin also began to write for television and work as a series book editor. For television, he worked in [[w:Hollywood|Hollywood]] on the revival of ''[[w:The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series)|Twilight Zone]]'' and the new ''[[w:Beauty and the Beast (series)|Beauty and the Beast]]'' series. As a book series editor, he oversaw the development of the lengthy and still on-going ''[[w:Wild Cards|Wild Cards]]'' cycle, which takes place in a [[w:shared universe|shared universe]] in which an alien virus, released during an air battle over [[w:New York City|New York City]], bestowed strange powers or disfigurements on a slice of humanity during [[w:World War II|World War II]], affecting the history of the world thereafter. (The premise was inspired by [[w:comic book|comic book]] [[w:supehero|superhero]]es and the [[w:Superworld|Superworld]] superhero [[w:role-playing game|role-playing game]], of which Martin was [[w:gamemaster|gamemaster]] with local science fiction writers and friends.) Contributors to the long-running ''[[w:Wild Cards|Wild Cards]]'' series have included [[w:Pat Cadigan|Pat Cadigan]], [[w:Stephen Leigh|Stephen Leigh]], [[w:Lewis Shiner|Lewis Shiner]], [[w:Howard Waldrop|Howard Waldrop]], [[w:Walter Jon Williams|Walter Jon Williams]] and [[w:Roger Zelazny|Roger Zelazny]]. His own contributions to the series often feature Thomas Tudbury, "[[w:The Great and Powerful Turtle|The Great and Powerful Turtle]]", a powerful [[w:psychokinetic|psychokinetic]] whose flying "shell" consisted of an armored [[w:VW Beetle|VW Beetle]]. The Wild Cards series continues under Martin's direction and editorship, with more than twenty volumes having been published; in 2012 the series will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary.
Martin's novella, ''[[w:Nightflyers|Nightflyers]]'', was adapted into a 1987 feature film that saw national release.
In 1991 Martin briefly returned to writing novels, and began what would eventually turn into his epic fantasy series, ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' (ostensibly inspired by the [[w:Wars of the Roses|Wars of the Roses]] and [[w:Ivanhoe|Ivanhoe]]), which will run to seven volumes. The first volume ''[[A Game of Thrones]]'' was published in 1996. In November 2005, ''[[A Feast for Crows]]'', the fourth book in this series, became ''[[w:The New York Times|The New York Times]]'' #1 Bestseller and also achieved #1 ranking on ''[[w:The Wall Street Journal|The Wall Street Journal]]'' bestseller list. In addition, in September 2006 ''A Feast for Crows'' was nominated for both a [[w:Quill Awards|Quill award]], and the [[w:British Fantasy Award|British Fantasy Award]].<ref>[http://www.georgerrmartin.com/news.html A Feast for Crows award nominations]</ref> The series has received praise from authors, readers and critics alike.
1991年,马丁重新开始写小说,并开始创作他的史诗奇幻系列《[[冰与火之歌]]》(表面上受[[wikipedia:Wars of the Roses|玫瑰战争]][[wikipedia:Ivanhoe|英雄艾文荷]]的启发)。第一部《[[权力的游戏]]》于1996年出版。2005年9月,第四部《[[群鸦的盛宴]]》成为《[[wikipedia:The New York Times|纽约时报]]》最佳销量小说,并且在《[[wikipedia:The Wall Street Journal|华尔街日报]]》销量榜上排名第一。2006年,《群鸦的盛宴》同时被[[wikipedia:Quill Awards|鹅毛笔奖]][[wikipedia:British Fantasy Award|英伦奇幻奖]]所提名<ref name="群鸦的盛宴 award nominations">[http://www.georgerrmartin.com/news.html 群鸦的盛宴 award nominations]</ref>。整个系列都受到大量作家,读者和评论家的喜爱。
2003年[[wikipedia:Fantasy Flight Games|Fantasy Flight Games]]释出了卡牌游戏[[《权力的游戏》(卡牌)|《权力的游戏》]],于2010年,《维斯特洛之战》一个基于《冰与火之歌》系列战场描述的迷你卡牌游戏。其他的桌游和相关产品也在相继发行中。
HBO Productions purchased the television rights for the entire ''A Song of Ice and Fire'' series in 2007. The first season of ''Games of Thrones'' began on April 17, 2011, running weekly for ten, hour-long episodes; it is based on the first novel in the series. During the run-up period in the months before the first season premiered, numerous advance trailers and behind-the-scenes short features were shown on HBO and made available at various Internet sites. This was part of HBO's extensive media blitz promoting their most expensive premium cable series to date, estimated to have cost more than 60 million dollars for the first season.<ref>http://www.thrfeed.com/2010/03/hbo-greenlights-game-of-thrones.html</ref> On Sunday April 3, 2011, two weeks before the premiere of the series, HBO showed the first fourteen minutes of the first hour-long episode, ratcheting-up further expectations for the new series. Two days after its premiere on Sunday April 17, 2011, HBO announced that ''Game of Thrones'' had been renewed for a second season, following universally positive reviews and an initial viewership of 4.2 million for its three evening showings.
马丁曾担任大学[[wikipedia:journalism|新闻学]]导师(为了保留他的[[wikipedia:master's degree|硕士学位]]),在更年轻的时候,当过国际象棋教练。在他的空闲时间,他喜欢收集中世纪主题的[[wikipedia:Miniature figure (gaming)|微缩模型]],阅读与收藏科幻,奇幻,恐怖小说,珍藏他的漫画收集,包括惊奇漫画“白银时代”的《[[wikipedia:Spider-Man|蜘蛛侠]]》和《[[wikipedia:Fantastic Four|神奇四侠]]》。
In 2003 [[w:Fantasy Flight Games|Fantasy Flight Games]] released the board game "The Game Of Thrones" and in 2010 "The Battles of Westeros," a miniatures board game based on the battles depicted in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. Additional games and related products continue to be published.
2011年2月15日,马丁与他的长期同居女友,Parris McBride,在他们新墨西哥州的圣达菲的家中结婚。夫妇交换了一对由当地艺术家定制,凯尔特风格的婚戒。2011年8月19日,在[[wikipedia:Reno, Nevada|里诺]]举行的第69届世界科幻大会上,他们为奇幻科幻领域的朋友们重新举办了一场盛大的婚宴和招待会。
Martin has been a college instructor in [[w:journalism|journalism]] (in which he holds a [[w:master's degree|master's degree]]) and when he was younger a [[w:chess|chess]] tournament director. In his spare time he collects medieval-themed [[w:Miniature figure (gaming)|miniatures]], reading and collecting science fiction, fantasy, and horror books, and treasuring his still-growing comics collection, which includes the first issues of Marvel's "silver age" ''[[w:Spider-Man|Spider-Man]]'' and ''[[w:Fantastic Four|Fantastic Four]]''.
On February 15, 2011 Martin was married to his longtime [[w:paramour|paramour]] Parris McBride during a small ceremony at their Santa Fe, New Mexico home. The couple exchanged custom made, Celtic-inspired wedding rings made for them by local artisans. Area friends were in attendance and helped them celebrate the occasion.On August 19, 2011, they held a larger wedding ceremony and reception at [[w:Renovation|Renovation]], the 69th World Science Fiction Convention, in [[w:Reno, Nevada|Reno]] for their larger circle of friends within the fantasy and science fiction fields.
[[File:马丁问候中国冰火读者|thumb|right|250 px|马丁问候中国冰火读者]]
{{main|A Song of Ice and Fire}}
1991年马丁重新开始写小说,并开始创作他的史诗奇幻系列《[[冰与火之歌]]》('''''[http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/A_Song_of_Ice_and_Fire 冰与火之歌]''''')(表面上受[[wikipedia:Wars of the Roses|玫瑰战争]]和[[wikipedia:Ivanhoe|英雄艾文荷]]的启发)。第一部《[[权力的游戏]]》于1996年出版。2005年9月,第四部《[[群鸦的盛宴]]成为《[[wikipedia:The New York Times|纽约时报]]》最佳销量小说,并且在《[[wikipedia:The Wall Street Journal|华尔街日报]]》销量榜上排名第一。而且在2006年,《群鸦的盛宴》同时被[[wikipedia:Quill Awards|鹅毛笔奖]]和[[wikipedia:British Fantasy Award|英伦奇幻奖]]所提名<ref name="群鸦的盛宴 award nominations"/>。整个系列都受到大量作家,读者和评论家的喜爱。
In 1991 Martin briefly returned to writing novels, and began what would eventually turn into his epic fantasy series, ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' (reportedly inspired by the [[w:Wars of the Roses|Wars of the Roses]] and [[w:Ivanhoe|Ivanhoe]]), which will run to at least seven volumes. The first volume ''[[A Game of Thrones]]'' was published in 1996. In November 2005, ''[[A Feast for Crows]]'', the fourth book in this series, became ''[[w:The New York Times|The New York Times]]'' #1 Bestseller and also achieved #1 ranking on ''[[w:The Wall Street Journal|The Wall Street Journal]]'' bestseller list. In addition, in September 2006, ''A Feast for Crows'' was nominated for both a [[w:Quill Award|Quill Award]] and the [[w:British Fantasy Award|British Fantasy Award]].<ref>[http://www.georgerrmartin.com/news.html A Feast for Crows award nominations]</ref> The fifth book, ''[[A Dance with Dragons]]'', was published in July 2011, quickly becoming a huge international bestseller, including a #1 ranking on the New York Times Bestseller list and many others. The series has received critical praise from authors, readers, and critics alike.
{{main|Game of Thrones}}
马丁在完结《[[魔龙的狂舞]]》与其他的作品的同时,也密切参与了《冰与火之歌》第一卷《[[权力的游戏]]》改编的电视剧的制作。马丁参与了包括剧组的选择和剧本的创作。他还在剧中的片头[[wikipedia:executive producer|监制人]]名单中出现。
During completion of ''[[A Dance with Dragons]]'' and other projects, George R. R. Martin was also heavily involved in the production of a television series adaptation of the ''A Song of Ice and Fire'' books named after the first book, ''[[A Game of Thrones]]''. Martin's involvement included the selection of a production team and participation in scriptwriting; he is listed in the opening credits as an [[w:executive producer|executive producer]] of the series.
[[wikipedia:HBO|HBO]]在2007年就购买了《冰与火之歌》系列的版权。《[[权力的游戏(电视剧)|权力的游戏]]》(剧集的名字)于2011年4月17日开播,每周一集,总共十集,每集大约1小时。在开播前几个月,大量的预告片与花絮在HBO网站上提供观看。这是目前为止HBO收费台上最大手笔的制作了,估计第一季的制作费用为6000万美元<ref>[http://www.thrfeed.com/2010/03/hbo-greenlights-game-of-thrones.html HBO greenlights ''Game of Thrones'' to series (pic)], ''[[wikipedia:The Hollywood Reporter|]]'', November 30, 2010</ref>。2011年4月2日,剧集开播前2周,HBO释出了一段14分钟长的第一集片段,让人对于新剧的期待火速升温。在开播之后2天,HBO宣布《权力的游戏》第二季已经确定,并且收到了无数的正面评价以及420万的首播收视率。第一季完结不久,就收到13个[[wikipedia:Emmy Award|艾美奖]]提名,包括最佳戏剧系列和最佳配角演员。剧集赢得了最佳配角(Peter Dinklage)和最佳标题设计两个艾美奖项。
[[w:HBO|HBO]] Productions purchased the television rights for the entire ''A Song of Ice and Fire'' series in 2007. ''[[Game of Thrones]]'' (the series title) began on April 17, 2011 and ran weekly for ten episodes, each approximately an hour long. The first season covered events that occurred in the first novel in the series. During the run-up period in the months before the first season premiered, numerous advance trailers and behind-the-scenes short features were shown on HBO and made available at various Internet sites. This was part of HBO's extensive media blitz promoting one of their most expensive premium cable series to date, estimated to have cost more than 60 million dollars for the first season.<ref>[http://www.thrfeed.com/2010/03/hbo-greenlights-game-of-thrones.html HBO greenlights ''Game of Thrones'' to series (pic)], ''[[w:The Hollywood Reporter|]]'', November 30, 2010</ref> On Sunday April 3, 2011, two weeks before the premiere of the series, HBO showed the first 14 minutes of the first episode, further ratcheting up expectations for the new series. Two days after its premiere on April 17, 2011, HBO announced that ''Game of Thrones'' had been renewed for a second season, following universally positive reviews and an initial viewership of 4.2 million during its three debut evening showings; by the end of the first week, nearly nine million had viewed the first episode. Not long after the series' first season finale, it was announced the show had received 13 [[w:Emmy Award|Emmy Award]] nominations, including Best Dramatic Series and Best Supporting Actor; the series won two of those Emmy Awards, for Best Supporting Actor (Peter Dinklage) and for Best Main Title Design.
<!-- (Is the following relevant to GRRM bio??)
In 2003 [[w:Fantasy Flight Games|]] released the board game ''The Game of Thrones'' and in 2010''The Battles of Westeros'', a [[w:Miniature wargaming|miniatures board game]] based on the battles depicted in the ''A Song of Ice and Fire'' series. Additional games and related Fire and Ice products continue to be published as the series expands. -->
Critics have described Martin's work as dark and cynical.<ref>[http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1129596,00.html "The American Tolkien"] by Lev Grossman, a Times article on Martin. Retrieved on 2007-11-03.</ref> His first novel, ''[[w:Dying of the Light|Dying of the Light]]'', set the tone for most of his future work; it is set on a mostly abandoned planet that is slowly becoming uninhabitable as it moves away from its sun. This story, and many of Martin's others, have a strong sense of [[w:melancholy|melancholy]]. His characters are often unhappy, or at least unsatisfied — trying to stay idealistic in a ruthless world. Many have elements of [[w:tragic hero|tragic hero]]es in them. Reviewer T. M. Wagner writes, "Let it never be said Martin doesn't share Shakespeare's fondness for the senselessly tragic." <ref>T. M. Wagner. (2003),[http://www.sfreviews.net/stormofswords.html Review of ''A Storm of Swords'']. Retrieved on 2007-11-03.</ref> This gloominess can be an obstacle for some readers. The Inchoatus Group writes, "If this absence of joy is going to trouble you, or you’re looking for something more affirming, then you should probably seek elsewhere." <ref>{{Cite web | title = Review of ''A Game of Thrones''
评论家描述马丁的作品为阴暗的和玩世不恭的<ref>[http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1129596,00.html "The American Tolkien"] by Lev Grossman, a Times article on Martin. Retrieved on 2007-11-03.</ref>。他的第一本小说,《[[wikipedia:Dying of the Light|光逝(Dying of the Light)]]》为他大部分未来的作品确定了基调;这个故事背景设立在了一个荒芜的星球,由于逐渐远离太阳而变得不宜居住。这个故事与马丁的其他作品一样,有一种强烈的忧郁感。他笔下的角色通常都不幸福,或者至少不满意——在这个残酷的世界里追求梦想。他们身上有很多[[w:tragic hero|悲剧英雄]]的元素。Reviewer T. M. Wagner写到,“永远不要说马丁不喜欢莎士比亚无谓的悲剧。”<ref>T. M. Wagner. (2003),[http://www.sfreviews.net/stormofswords.html Review of ''冰雨的风暴'']. Retrieved on 2007-11-03.</ref> 黑暗的主题可能对某些读者是一个障碍,The Inchoatus Group写到,“如果过于的悲观让你感到不适,或者你想看一些更喜而乐见的东西,那么你最好去别的地方找了。”<ref>{{Cite web | title = Review of ''权力的游戏''
| archiveurl = http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20080325003052/http://www.inchoatus.com/Reviews/Review--A%20Storm%20of%20Swords,%20George%20Martin.htm | archivedate = 2008-03-25
| archiveurl = http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20080325003052/http://www.inchoatus.com/Reviews/Review--A%20Storm%20of%20Swords,%20George%20Martin.htm | archivedate = 2008-03-25
| url = http://www.inchoatus.com/Reviews/Review--A%20Storm%20of%20Swords,%20George%20Martin.htm | accessdate = 2007-11-03 }}</ref>
| url = http://www.inchoatus.com/Reviews/Review--A%20Storm%20of%20Swords,%20George%20Martin.htm | accessdate = 2007-11-03 }}</ref>
马丁的角色通常是多重的,每个角色都有复杂的过去,抱负与野心。《出版者周刊》评价他的史诗奇幻《冰与火之歌》到,“像丹妮莉丝,艾莉亚和弑君者这样复杂的角色,让读者停不下来。作者,就像托尔金和Jordan一样,让我们关心角色们的命运。”<ref>[http://reviews.publishersweekly.com/bd.aspx?isbn=0553106635&pub=pw Review of ''冰雨的风暴''] by Publisher's Weekly</ref> 然而没有人有不真实的运气,灾难,伤痛,死亡(甚至假死)都可能会落到任何主要或次要角色的头上,不管读者有多么的关心他们。马丁表示他杀死重要角色是为了增加故事的深度,“…当我笔下的角色遭到危险的时候,我希望你们在翻到这页的时候感到害怕,所以你要从一开始保持你的全身心投入故事中。”
Martin's characters are multi-faceted, each with surprisingly intricate pasts, inspirations, and ambitions. ''Publisher's Weekly'' writes of his ongoing epic fantasy ''A Song of Ice and Fire'', "The complexity of characters such as Daenarys [sic], Arya and the Kingslayer will keep readers turning even the vast number of pages contained in this volume, for the author, like Tolkien or Jordan, makes us care about their fates." <ref>[http://reviews.publishersweekly.com/bd.aspx?isbn=0553106635&pub=pw Review of ''A Storm of Swords''] by Publisher's Weekly</ref> No one is given an unrealistic string of luck, however; so misfortune, injury, and death (and even false death) can befall ''any'' character, major or minor, no matter how attached the reader has become. Martin has described his penchant for killing off important characters as being necessary for the story's depth: "...when my characters are in danger, I want you to be afraid to turn the page, (so) you need to show right from the beginning that you're playing for keeps."
除了写作。马丁还以他多年以来有规律的参加[[wikipedia:science fiction convention|科幻大会]]和漫画大会闻名,他也对于这两种粉丝相当亲近。在70年代早期,[[wikipedia:Thomas Disch|Thomas Disch]],一名评论家与作家,邀请马丁加入"劳动节小组"——每年参加[[wikipedia:Worldcon|Worldcon]]的作家的聚会,通常在[[wikipedia:Labor Day|劳动节]]的周末举行。
In addition to writing, Martin is known for his regular, decades-long attendance at various [[w:science fiction convention|science fiction convention]]s and comics conventions and his accessibility to both genre's many fans. In the early 1970s critic and writer [[w:Thomas Disch|Thomas Disch]] identified Martin as a member of the "Labor Day Group", writers who congregated at the annual [[w:Worldcon|Worldcon]], usually held on or around the [[w:Labor Day|Labor Day]] weekend.
Martin has a good relationship with his official fan club, the Brotherhood Without Banners, and has praised them in the past for their convention parties and gatherings. His many fans also gather at website forums devoted to both the "Fire and Ice" epic fantasy series and to his long-running Wild Cards series.
Martin has been criticized by a number of his many fans worldwide for the long delays between books in that series, notably the many-year gap between the fourth volume ''A Feast for Crows'' and the fifth volume ''A Dance with Dragons''. This led him to respond online in kind, accusing angry fans of unfairly demanding he devote ''all'' of his time to the epic fantasy series, something he is unwilling to do; Martin has long-term writing and book-editing commitments on other projects, in addition to his best-selling series of epic fantasy novels.<ref>{{Cite web | last = Flood | first = Alison | authorlink = http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/alisonflood | title = Excitement as George RR Martin announces he's 1,200 pages into new book | publisher = Guardian.co.uk | date = 16 February 2010 | url = http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2010/feb/16/george-rr-martin-new-book | accessdate = 2010-05-13}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web | last = Kay | first = Guy Gavriel | title = Restless readers go bonkers | publisher = The Globe and Mail | date = Apr. 10, 2009 | url = http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/arts/article8003.ece | accessdate = 2010-05-13}}</ref> Many of these fans have expressed concern that Martin will leave his fantasy series unfinished, in the same fashion as deceased author [[w:Robert Jordan|Robert Jordan]] did with his lengthy [[w:Wheel of Time|Wheel of Time]] series. (In March 2011 Martin announced online in one of his regular [[w:livejournal|livejournal]] "Not A Blog" posts that his publisher will release on July, 12, 2011 the long-anticipated fifth novel, ''A Dance With Dragons''; this will be several weeks after HBO's ten episode first season run of ''[[w:Game of Thrones|Game of Thrones]]'' has ended on their premium cable TV channels.)
马丁被世界范围内许多粉丝批判系列中每本书的间隔时间太长,尤其是卷四《群鸦的盛宴》与卷五《魔龙的狂舞》之间的多年间隔。这让他不得不面对互联网上愤怒的粉丝,要求他把“全部”的时间用来写书,当然他不愿意这样做;除了《冰与火》,马丁还在其他作品上有长期的写作和编辑合同<ref>{{Cite web | last = Flood | first = Alison | authorlink = http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/alisonflood | title = Excitement as George RR Martin announces he's 1,200 pages into new book | publisher = Guardian.co.uk | date = 16 February 2010 | url = http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2010/feb/16/george-rr-martin-new-book | accessdate = 2010-05-13}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web | last = Kay | first = Guy Gavriel | title = Restless readers go bonkers | publisher = The Globe and Mail | date = Apr. 10, 2009 | url = http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/arts/article8003.ece | accessdate = 2010-05-13}}</ref>。许多粉丝对于他长期不完成他的奇幻系列表示担忧,就像对于另一名已故的作家[[wikipedia:Robert Jordan|罗伯特·乔丹]]以及其巨作[[wikipedia:Wheel of Time|时光之轮]]系列。
马丁对于[[wikipedia:fan fiction|同人作品]]持强烈反对态度,相信这是对版权的侵犯,对任何有志向的作家来说也不是好的锻炼。他没有允许任何他的[[wikipedia:intellectual property|知识产权]]被用来进行同人创作。
Martin is strongly opposed to any type of [[w:fan fiction|fan fiction]], believing it to be copyright infringement and a bad exercise for all aspiring writers. He never gives permission for any of his [[w:intellectual property|intellectual property]] to be used in fan fiction.
*''[[w:Dying of the Light|Dying of the Light]]'' (1977) -- Hugo Award nominee, 1978;<ref name="HugoAwards">[http://www.thehugoawards.org/hugo-history/ www.thehugoawards.org] ''Hugo Award History'' retrieved June 5, 2011</ref> British Fantasy Award nominee, 1979 <ref name="WWE-1979">{{cite web|url=http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=1979|title=Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 1979 Award Winners & Nominees|work=Worlds Without End|accessdate=2009-03-28}}</ref>
*''[[w:Dying of the Light|光逝]]'' (1977) -- Hugo Award nominee, 1978;<ref name="HugoAwards">[http://www.thehugoawards.org/hugo-history/ www.thehugoawards.org] ''Hugo Award History'' retrieved June 5, 2011</ref> British Fantasy Award nominee, 1979 <ref name="WWE-1979">{{cite web|url=http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=1979|title=Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 1979 Award Winners & Nominees|work=Worlds Without End|accessdate=2009-03-28}}</ref>
*''[[w:Windhaven|Windhaven]]'' (1981, with [[w:Lisa Tuttle|Lisa Tuttle]]) -- Locus SF Award nominee, 1982<ref name="Locusmag">[http://www.locusmag.com/SFAwards/Db/Locus.html www.locusmag.com] ''The Locus Index to SF Awards'' retrieved June 5, 2011</ref>
*''[[w:Windhaven|风港]]'' (1981, with [[w:Lisa Tuttle|Lisa Tuttle]]) -- Locus SF Award nominee, 1982<ref name="Locusmag">[http://www.locusmag.com/SFAwards/Db/Locus.html www.locusmag.com] ''The Locus Index to SF Awards'' retrieved June 5, 2011</ref>
*''[[w:Fevre Dream|Fevre Dream]]'' (1982) -- Locus SF<ref name="Locusmag"/> and World Fantasy Award nominee, 1983<ref name="WFA">[http://www.worldfantasy.org/awards/awardslist.html www.worldfantasy.org] ''World Fantasy Convention: Award Winners & Nominees'' retrieved June 5, 2011</ref>
*''[[w:Fevre Dream|热夜之梦]]'' (1982) -- Locus SF<ref name="Locusmag"/> and World Fantasy Award nominee, 1983<ref name="WFA">[http://www.worldfantasy.org/awards/awardslist.html www.worldfantasy.org] ''World Fantasy Convention: Award Winners & Nominees'' retrieved June 5, 2011</ref>
*''[[w:The Armageddon Rag|The Armageddon Rag]]'' (1983) -- Locus SF<ref name="Locusmag"/> and World Fantasy Award nominee, 1984<ref name="WFA"/>
*''[[w:The Armageddon Rag|末日狂歌]]'' (1983) -- Locus SF<ref name="Locusmag"/> and World Fantasy Award nominee, 1984<ref name="WFA"/>
*''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' series:
*''[[冰与火之歌]]'' series:
**''[[A Game of Thrones]]'' (1996) -- Locus Fantasy Award winner<ref name="Locusmag"/>, Nebula and World Fantasy Award nominee, 1997<ref name="WFA"/>
**''[[权力的游戏]]'' (1996) -- Locus Fantasy Award winner<ref name="Locusmag"/>, Nebula and World Fantasy Award nominee, 1997<ref name="WFA"/>
**''[[A Clash of Kings]]'' (1998) -- Locus Fantasy Award winner<ref name="Locusmag"/>, Nebula Award nominee, 1999<ref name="WWE-1999">{{cite web|url=http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=1999|title=Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 1999 Award Winners & Nominees|work=Worlds Without End|accessdate=2009-06-07}}</ref>
**''[[列王的纷争]]'' (1998) -- Locus Fantasy Award winner<ref name="Locusmag"/>, Nebula Award nominee, 1999<ref name="WWE-1999">{{cite web|url=http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=1999|title=Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 1999 Award Winners & Nominees|work=Worlds Without End|accessdate=2009-06-07}}</ref>
**''[[A Storm of Swords]]'' (2000) -- Locus Fantasy Award winner<ref name="Locusmag"/>, Hugo<ref name="HugoAwards"/> and Nebula Awards nominee, 2001<ref name="WWE-2001">{{cite web|url=http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=2001|title=Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 2001 Award Winners & Nominees|work=Worlds Without End|accessdate=2009-03-28}}</ref>
**''[[冰雨的风暴]]'' (2000) -- Locus Fantasy Award winner<ref name="Locusmag"/>, Hugo<ref name="HugoAwards"/> and Nebula Awards nominee, 2001<ref name="WWE-2001">{{cite web|url=http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=2001|title=Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 2001 Award Winners & Nominees|work=Worlds Without End|accessdate=2009-03-28}}</ref>
**''[[A Feast for Crows]]'' (2005) -- Hugo<ref name="HugoAwards"/>, Locus Fantasy<ref name="Locusmag"/>, and British Fantasy Awards nominee, 2006 <ref name="WWE-2006">{{cite web|url=http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=2006|title=Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 2006 Award Winners & Nominees|work=Worlds Without End|accessdate=2009-03-28}}</ref>
**''[[群鸦的盛宴]]'' (2005) -- Hugo<ref name="HugoAwards"/>, Locus Fantasy<ref name="Locusmag"/>, and British Fantasy Awards nominee, 2006 <ref name="WWE-2006">{{cite web|url=http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=2006|title=Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 2006 Award Winners & Nominees|work=Worlds Without End|accessdate=2009-03-28}}</ref>
**''[[A Dance with Dragons]]'' (forthcoming, July 12, 2011)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.georgerrmartin.com/if-update.html|title=A Song of Ice and Fire Update|author=George R. R. Martin}}</ref>
**''[[魔龙的狂舞]]'' (forthcoming, July 12, 2011)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.georgerrmartin.com/if-update.html|title=冰与火之歌 Update|author=George R. R. Martin}}</ref>
**''The Winds of Winter'' (forthcoming)
**''The Winds of Winter'' (forthcoming)
**''A Dream of Spring'' (forthcoming)
**''A Dream of Spring'' (forthcoming)
第78行: 第76行:
*"A Song for Lya", originally in ''Analog'', June 1974.
*"莱安娜之歌", originally in ''Analog'', June 1974.
*[[w:Night of the Vampyres|Night of the Vampyres]], originally in '''Amazing'', 1975<ref>[http://www.locusmag.com/index/s500.html www.locusmag.com]</ref>, re-published in ''The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century''
*[[w:Night of the Vampyres|吸血鬼之夜]], originally in '''Amazing'', 1975<ref>[http://www.locusmag.com/index/s500.html www.locusmag.com]</ref>, re-published in ''The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century''
*"[[w:The Skin Trade|The Skin Trade]]" (1989, from the three-author collection [[w:Dark Visions|Dark Visions]]); optioned for film by Mike the Pike Productions) <ref>http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Mike-The-Pike-Productions-Inc-1042223.html Press release</ref>
*"[[w:The Skin Trade|狼皮交易]]" (1989, from the three-author collection [[w:Dark Visions|Dark Visions]]); optioned for film by Mike the Pike Productions) <ref>http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Mike-The-Pike-Productions-Inc-1042223.html Press release</ref>
*"[[Dunk and Egg]]" series - set in the world of ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]''
*"[[邓克与伊戈]]" series - set in the world of ''[[冰与火之歌]]''
**"[[The Hedge Knight]]" (1998)
**"[[誓言骑士]]" (1998)
**"[[The Sworn Sword]]" (2003)
**"[[誓言骑士]]" (2003)
**"[[The Mystery Knight]]" (2010)
**"[[神秘骑士]]" (2010)
*"[[w:Shadow Twin|Shadow Twin]]" (2004, with [[w:Gardner Dozois|Gardner Dozois]] and [[w:Daniel Abraham (author)|Daniel Abraham]])
*"[[w:Shadow Twin|影子兄弟]]" (2004, with [[w:Gardner Dozois|Gardner Dozois]] and [[w:Daniel Abraham (author)|Daniel Abraham]])
*''[[w:Shadow Twin|Shadow Twin]]'' (2005, published in hardcover as an illustrated, signed, and numbered limited-edition)
*''[[w:Shadow Twin|影子兄弟]]'' (2005, published in hardcover as an illustrated, signed, and numbered limited-edition)
*''[[w:Sandkings (novelette)|Sandkings]]'', [[w:Hugo Award|Hugo]], [[w:Nebula Award|Nebula]] awards winner.
*''[[w:Sandkings (novelette)|沙王]]'', [[w:Hugo Award|Hugo]], [[w:Nebula Award|Nebula]] awards winner.
*''[[w:Meathouse Man|Meathouse Man]]'', first published in 1976, in ''Orbit'' 18.
*''[[w:Meathouse Man|肉院情人]]'', first published in 1976, in ''Orbit'' 18.
*''The Ice Dragon''
*''[[w:A Song for Lya|A Song for Lya]]'' (1976)
*''[[w:A Song for Lya|莱安娜之歌与其他故事]]'' (1976)
*''[[w:Songs of Stars and Shadows|Songs of Stars and Shadows]]'' (1977)
*''[[w:Songs of Stars and Shadows|Songs of Stars and Shadows]]'' (1977)
*''[[w:Sandkings (fiction)|Sandkings]]'' (1981)
*''[[w:Sandkings (fiction)|沙王]]'' (1981)
*''[[w:Songs the Dead Men Sing|Songs the Dead Men Sing]]'' (1983)
*''[[w:Songs the Dead Men Sing|Songs the Dead Men Sing]]'' (1983)
*''[[w:Nightflyers|Nightflyers]]'' (1985)
*''[[w:Nightflyers|夜行者号]]'' (1985)
*''[[w:Tuf Voyaging|Tuf Voyaging]]'' (1987, collection of linked stories)
*''[[w:Tuf Voyaging|图夫航行记]]'' (1987, collection of linked stories)
*''[[w:Portraits of His Children|Portraits of His Children]]'' (1987)
*''[[w:Portraits of His Children|子女的肖像]]'' (1987)
*''[[w:Quartet (George R. R. Martin)|Quartet]]'' (2001)
*''[[w:Quartet (George R. R. Martin)|Quartet]]'' (2001)
*''[[w:GRRM: A RRetrospective|GRRM: A RRetrospective]]'' (2003; reissued 2006 and 2007 as ''Dreamsongs'')
*''[[w:GRRM: A RRetrospective|GRRM: A RRetrospective]]'' (2003; reissued 2006 and 2007 as ''Dreamsongs'')
第111行: 第109行:
* ''[[w:The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series)|The Twilight Zone]]''
* ''[[w:The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series)|阴阳魔界]]''
** ''The Last Defender of Camelot'' (1986) - writer (teleplay)
** ''The Last Defender of Camelot'' (1986) - writer (teleplay)
** ''The Once and Future King'' (1986) - writer (teleplay), story editor
** ''The Once and Future King'' (1986) - writer (teleplay), story editor
第120行: 第118行:
** ''The Road Less Travelled'' (1986) - writer (story and teleplay), story editor
** ''The Road Less Travelled'' (1986) - writer (story and teleplay), story editor
* ''[[w:Beauty and the Beast (TV series)|Beauty and the Beast]]''
* ''[[w:Beauty and the Beast (TV series)|侠胆雄狮]]''
** ''Terrible Saviour'' (1987) - writer
** ''Terrible Saviour'' (1987) - writer
** ''Masques'' (1987) - writer
** ''Masques'' (1987) - writer
第137行: 第135行:
** ''Invictus'' (1990) - writer
** ''Invictus'' (1990) - writer
* ''[[w:Doorways|Doorways]]'' (1993, unreleased pilot) - writer, producer, creator; (''[[w:IDW Publishing|IDW Publishing]]'' issued the pilot's storyline as a graphic novel miniseries (2010))<ref>http://www.idwpublishing.com/news/article/1348/</ref>
* ''[[w:Doorways|]]'' (1993, unreleased pilot) - writer, producer, creator; (''[[w:IDW Publishing|IDW Publishing]]'' 发行了一部以此剧集剧情为内容的漫画系列 (2010))<ref>http://www.idwpublishing.com/news/article/1348/</ref>
* ''[[w:Game of Thrones (TV series)|A Game of Thrones]]
* ''[[w:Game of Thrones (TV series)|权力的游戏]]
** Pilot - writer (story, teleplay), producer, creator
** Pilot - writer (story, teleplay), producer, creator
** ''The Pointy End'' - writer (story, teleplay, 1st Season)
** ''The Pointy End'' - writer (story, teleplay, 1st Season)
第145行: 第143行:
====百变王牌 (与他人共同制作)====
====Wild Cards (also contributor to many volumes)====
*''[[w:Wild Cards (book)|Wild Cards I]]'' (1987) (Expanded 2010 with three new authors/stories)
*''[[w:Wild Cards (book)|Wild Cards I]]'' (1987) (Expanded 2010 with three new authors/stories)
*''[[w:Aces High (book)|Wild Cards II: Aces High]]'' (1987)
*''[[w:Aces High (book)|Wild Cards II: Aces High]]'' (1987)
第172行: 第170行:
* ''Wild Cards: Lowball'' (forthcoming 2012; sequel to ''Fort Freak'')
* ''Wild Cards: Lowball'' (forthcoming 2012; sequel to ''Fort Freak'')
====Cross-genre anthologies edited (with Gardner Dozois)====
====Cross-genre选集编辑(Gardner Dozois)====
*''[[w:Warriors (anthology)|Warriors]],'' a massive, cross-genre anthology featuring stories about war and warriors (published on March 16, 2010)
*''[[w:Warriors (anthology)|Warriors]],'' a massive, cross-genre anthology featuring stories about war and warriors (published on March 16, 2010)
*''[[w:Songs of the Dying Earth|Songs of the Dying Earth]]'' a tribute anthology to [[w:Jack Vance|Jack Vance]]´s seminal [[w:Dying Earth|Dying Earth]] series, initially published by [[w:Subterranean Press|Subterranean Press]] (2009)
*''[[w:Songs of the Dying Earth|Songs of the Dying Earth]]'' a tribute anthology to [[w:Jack Vance|Jack Vance]]´s seminal [[w:Dying Earth|Dying Earth]] series, initially published by [[w:Subterranean Press|Subterranean Press]] (2009)
第180行: 第178行:
*"A Song for Lya" 1975 [[w:Hugo Award|Hugo Award]] for [[w:Hugo Award for Best Novella|Best Novella]]
*"莱安娜之歌" 1975 [[wikipedia:Hugo Award|雨果奖]][[wikipedia:Hugo Award for Best Novella|最佳中篇小说]]
*"[[w:Sandkings (novelette)|Sandkings]]" 1980 Hugo Award for [[w:Hugo Award for Best Novelette|Best Novelette]] and [[w:Nebula Award|Nebula Award]] for [[w:Nebula Award for Best Novelette|Best Novelette]] (the only one among Martin's stories to achieve that double)
*"[[wikipedia:Sandkings (novelette)|沙王]]" 1980雨果奖[[wikipedia:Hugo Award for Best Novelette|最佳短篇小说]]以及[[wikipedia:Nebula Award|星云奖]][[wikipedia:Nebula Award for Best Novelette|最佳短篇小说]] (马丁作品中唯一一次性得两个奖的)
*"[[w:The Way of Cross and Dragon|The Way of Cross and Dragon]]" 1980 Hugo Award for Best [[w:Hugo Award for Best Short Story|Short Story]]
*"[[wikipedia:The Way of Cross and Dragon|十字架与龙]]" 1980 雨果奖最佳[[w:Hugo Award for Best Short Story|短篇故事]]
*"子女的肖像" 1986星云奖最佳短篇小说
*"Portraits of His Children" 1986 Nebula Award for Best Novelette
*"The Pear-Shaped Man" 1988 [[w:Bram Stoker Award|Bram Stoker Award]] for [[w:Bram Stoker Award for Best Long Fiction|Long Fiction]]
*"梨形男" 1988 [[wikipedia:Bram Stoker Award|Bram Stoker]] [[wikipedia:Bram Stoker Award for Best Long Fiction|长篇小说]]
*"[[w:The Skin Trade|The Skin Trade]]" 1989 [[w:World Fantasy Award|World Fantasy Award]] for [[w:World Fantasy Award for Best Novella|Best Novella]]
*"[[wikipedia:The Skin Trade|The Skin Trade]]" 1989 [[w:World Fantasy Award|世界奇幻奖]][[wikipedia:World Fantasy Award for Best Novella|最佳短篇小说]]
*"[[Blood of the Dragon]]" 1997 Hugo Award for Best Novella
*"[[Blood of the Dragon|龙之血脉]]" 1997雨果奖最佳短篇小说
*"[[群鸦的盛宴]]" 2006 羽毛笔奖和英国奇幻奖(提名)
*''[[A Feast for Crows]]'' 2006 Quill Award and British Fantasy Award (nominated)
*Declared by [[w:Time Magazine|Time Magazine]] "One of the Most Influential People of 2011"<ref name="time100pat"/>
*[[wikipedia:Time Magazine|时代杂志]] "2011年最据影响力的人之一"<ref name="time100pat"/>
*Named Author of the Year 2011 by [[w:USA Today|USA Today]]<ref>[http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/story/2011-12-29/george-r-r-martin-is-author-of-the-year-2011/52256412/1 George R.R. Martin is our Author of the Year, Deirdre Donahue, USA TODAY, 12/28/2011]</ref>
*2011 [[wikipedia:USA Today|今日美国]]提名作家<ref>[http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/story/2011-12-29/george-r-r-martin-is-author-of-the-year-2011/52256412/1 George R.R. Martin is our Author of the Year, Deirdre Donahue, USA TODAY, 12/28/2011]</ref>
A more complete list of [http://www.locusmag.com/SFAwards/Db/NomLit86.html#3371 Martin's awards and nominations] can be found at The ''[[w:Locus (magazine)|Locus]]'' Index to Science Fiction Awards.
更多获奖列表可以在 [http://www.locusmag.com/SFAwards/Db/NomLit86.html#3371 Martin's awards and nominations] 找到 ''[[wikipedia:Locus (magazine)|Locus]]'' Index to Science Fiction Awards.
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2016年8月7日 (日) 20:51的版本

乔治·雷蒙德·理查德·马丁George R. R. Martin) (出生于1948年9月20日), 有时被称为G·R·R·M, 是美国奇幻、恐怖、科幻小说作家。《冰与火之歌》 系列畅销史诗奇幻小说是他的代表之作, 最近被美国HBO电视台改编成电视剧系列《权力的游戏》。他被 《时代杂志》评选为,“2011年影响世界的100人”[1][2]。他曾与Gale Burnick于1975到1979年间结为夫妻,并在2011年与Parris McBride结婚。

George R Rs now marreds Martin 2011 Shankbone





1976年在堪萨斯城举办的MidAmeriCon,第34届世界科幻大会(Worldcon)上,马丁与他的一名资深作家同伴,Gardner Dozois,举办了最早的雨果奖落选者聚会。这是一个让在前一天颁奖典礼上的落选者(以及他们的亲朋好友)聚在一起互相安慰的地方,在MidAmeriCon期间每天傍晚举行。盛大的聚会早早就准备好了,作为聚会无可争议的主持人,马丁在1976年又落选了;还是“两个”奖项,中短篇小说《杀人前请三思》和与Lisa Tuttle同著的短篇小说《风港的暴风雨》。从此年复一年,雨果奖落选者聚会都会在每年的Worldcon上举办,并成为Worldcon上最大的集会之一,而且顺便有了一个更得体的名字。

尽管他的大部分作品为奇幻与恐怖小说,但有一部分早期作品发生在一个宽泛定义的未来背景,非正式的称为“一千个世界”或者“The manrealm”。他还写过至少一本军政小说,《吸血鬼之夜》,被收录在Harry Turtledove的《20世纪最佳军事小说》选集中[3]

在20时间80年代,马丁为电视剧创作剧本并成为一名图书编辑。创作的电视剧包括《阴阳魔界》,新《侠胆雄狮》。作为图书编辑,他主持了篇幅极长的《百变王牌》系列的编辑工作,该系列讲述了一个在共同世界中的纽约,在第二次世界大战时遭到外星病毒的袭击,使得一部分人获得了超能力,改变了之后的世界(该系列是被一个有关超能力的角色扮演游戏启发,马丁和本地的科幻作家和朋友门玩过这个游戏,并做过游戏主持人)。长期为百变王牌供稿的作者包括Pat Cadigan,Stephen Leigh,Lewis Shiner,Walter Jon Williams,Walter Jon Williams和罗杰·泽拉兹尼。他自己的角色则名为“无敌巨龟”,一个具有强大念力的超能力者,拥有一辆装甲改造的大众甲壳虫飞车。《百变王牌》系列继续在马丁的主导下编纂,已出版二十余册,并在2012年系列庆祝其问世二十五周年。




2003年Fantasy Flight Games释出了卡牌游戏《权力的游戏》,于2010年,《维斯特洛之战》一个基于《冰与火之歌》系列战场描述的迷你卡牌游戏。其他的桌游和相关产品也在相继发行中。


2011年2月15日,马丁与他的长期同居女友,Parris McBride,在他们新墨西哥州的圣达菲的家中结婚。夫妇交换了一对由当地艺术家定制,凯尔特风格的婚戒。2011年8月19日,在里诺举行的第69届世界科幻大会上,他们为奇幻科幻领域的朋友们重新举办了一场盛大的婚宴和招待会。










HBO在2007年就购买了《冰与火之歌》系列的版权。《权力的游戏》(剧集的名字)于2011年4月17日开播,每周一集,总共十集,每集大约1小时。在开播前几个月,大量的预告片与花絮在HBO网站上提供观看。这是目前为止HBO收费台上最大手笔的制作了,估计第一季的制作费用为6000万美元[6]。2011年4月2日,剧集开播前2周,HBO释出了一段14分钟长的第一集片段,让人对于新剧的期待火速升温。在开播之后2天,HBO宣布《权力的游戏》第二季已经确定,并且收到了无数的正面评价以及420万的首播收视率。第一季完结不久,就收到13个艾美奖提名,包括最佳戏剧系列和最佳配角演员。剧集赢得了最佳配角(Peter Dinklage)和最佳标题设计两个艾美奖项。


评论家描述马丁的作品为阴暗的和玩世不恭的[7]。他的第一本小说,《光逝(Dying of the Light)》为他大部分未来的作品确定了基调;这个故事背景设立在了一个荒芜的星球,由于逐渐远离太阳而变得不宜居住。这个故事与马丁的其他作品一样,有一种强烈的忧郁感。他笔下的角色通常都不幸福,或者至少不满意——在这个残酷的世界里追求梦想。他们身上有很多悲剧英雄的元素。Reviewer T. M. Wagner写到,“永远不要说马丁不喜欢莎士比亚无谓的悲剧。”[8] 黑暗的主题可能对某些读者是一个障碍,The Inchoatus Group写到,“如果过于的悲观让你感到不适,或者你想看一些更喜而乐见的东西,那么你最好去别的地方找了。”[9]

马丁的角色通常是多重的,每个角色都有复杂的过去,抱负与野心。《出版者周刊》评价他的史诗奇幻《冰与火之歌》到,“像丹妮莉丝,艾莉亚和弑君者这样复杂的角色,让读者停不下来。作者,就像托尔金和Jordan一样,让我们关心角色们的命运。”[10] 然而没有人有不真实的运气,灾难,伤痛,死亡(甚至假死)都可能会落到任何主要或次要角色的头上,不管读者有多么的关心他们。马丁表示他杀死重要角色是为了增加故事的深度,“…当我笔下的角色遭到危险的时候,我希望你们在翻到这页的时候感到害怕,所以你要从一开始保持你的全身心投入故事中。”


除了写作。马丁还以他多年以来有规律的参加科幻大会和漫画大会闻名,他也对于这两种粉丝相当亲近。在70年代早期,Thomas Disch,一名评论家与作家,邀请马丁加入"劳动节小组"——每年参加Worldcon的作家的聚会,通常在劳动节的周末举行。








  • "莱安娜之歌", originally in Analog, June 1974.
  • 吸血鬼之夜, originally in 'Amazing, 1975[21], re-published in The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century
  • "狼皮交易" (1989, from the three-author collection Dark Visions); optioned for film by Mike the Pike Productions) [22]



  • 冰龙



  • 阴阳魔界
    • The Last Defender of Camelot (1986) - writer (teleplay)
    • The Once and Future King (1986) - writer (teleplay), story editor
    • A Saucer of Loneliness (1986) - story editor
    • Lost and Found (1986) - writer (teleplay), from a published short story by Phyllis Eisenstein
    • The World Next Door (1986) - story editor
    • The Toys of Caliban (1986) - writer (teleplay), from an unpublished short story by Terry Matz
    • The Road Less Travelled (1986) - writer (story and teleplay), story editor
  • 侠胆雄狮
    • Terrible Saviour (1987) - writer
    • Masques (1987) - writer
    • Shades of Grey (1988) - writer
    • Promises of Someday (1988) - writer
    • Fever (1988) - writer
    • Ozymandias (1988) - writer
    • Dead of Winter (1988) - writer
    • Brothers (1989) - writer
    • When the Blue Bird Sings' (1989) - writer (teleplay)
    • A Kingdom by the Sea (1989) - writer
    • What Rough Beast (1989) - writer (story)
    • Ceremony of Innocence (1989) - writer
    • Snow (1989) - writer
    • Beggar's Comet (1990) - writer
    • Invictus (1990) - writer
  • (1993, unreleased pilot) - writer, producer, creator; (IDW Publishing 发行了一部以此剧集剧情为内容的漫画系列 (2010))[23]
  • 权力的游戏
    • Pilot - writer (story, teleplay), producer, creator
    • The Pointy End - writer (story, teleplay, 1st Season)
    • Blackwater - writer (story, teleplay, 2nd Season)


百变王牌 (与他人共同制作)

  • Wild Cards: Inside Straight (2008) (Book I of the Committee triad)
  • Wild Cards: Busted Flush (2008) (Book II of the Committee triad)
  • Wild Cards: Suicide Kings (2009) (Book III of the Committee triad)
  • Wild Cards: Fort Freak (2011) (A stand-alone novel)
  • Wild Cards: Lowball (forthcoming 2012; sequel to Fort Freak)

Cross-genre选集编辑(与Gardner Dozois)

  • Warriors, a massive, cross-genre anthology featuring stories about war and warriors (published on March 16, 2010)
  • Songs of the Dying Earth a tribute anthology to Jack Vance´s seminal Dying Earth series, initially published by Subterranean Press (2009)
  • Songs of Love and Death a cross-genre anthology featuring stories of romance in fantasy and science-fiction settings, originally entitled Star Crossed Lovers (2010)
  • Down These Strange Streets another cross-genre anthology, blending classic private eye detective stories with fantasy and science fiction (2011)
  • Dangerous Women forthcoming; a cross-genre anthology focusing on women warriors and strong female characters, originally titled Femmes Fatales[24]


更多获奖列表可以在 Martin's awards and nominations 找到 Locus Index to Science Fiction Awards.


  1. 1.0 1.1 www.time.com The 2011 TIME 100: George R.R. Martin By John Hodgman, Thursday, Apr. 21, 2011
  2. www.time.com The 2011 TIME 100: Full List] Retrieved June 5, 2011
  3. Turtledove, Harry, ed, with Martin H. Greenberg. The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century. New York: Ballantine, May 2001, p. 279-306.
  4. 4.0 4.1 群鸦的盛宴 award nominations
  5. http://www.thrfeed.com/2010/03/hbo-greenlights-game-of-thrones.html
  6. HBO greenlights Game of Thrones to series (pic), [[wikipedia:The Hollywood Reporter|]], November 30, 2010
  7. "The American Tolkien" by Lev Grossman, a Times article on Martin. Retrieved on 2007-11-03.
  8. T. M. Wagner. (2003),Review of 冰雨的风暴. Retrieved on 2007-11-03.
  9. "Review of 权力的游戏". Archived from the original on 2008-03-25. http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20080325003052/http://www.inchoatus.com/Reviews/Review--A%20Storm%20of%20Swords,%20George%20Martin.htm. Retrieved 2007-11-03. 
  10. Review of 冰雨的风暴 by Publisher's Weekly
  11. [|Flood, Alison] (16 February 2010). "Excitement as George RR Martin announces he's 1,200 pages into new book". Guardian.co.uk. http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2010/feb/16/george-rr-martin-new-book. Retrieved 2010-05-13. 
  12. Kay, Guy Gavriel (Apr. 10, 2009). "Restless readers go bonkers". The Globe and Mail. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/arts/article8003.ece. Retrieved 2010-05-13. 
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 www.thehugoawards.org Hugo Award History retrieved June 5, 2011
  14. "Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 1979 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=1979. Retrieved 2009-03-28. 
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 www.locusmag.com The Locus Index to SF Awards retrieved June 5, 2011
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 www.worldfantasy.org World Fantasy Convention: Award Winners & Nominees retrieved June 5, 2011
  17. "Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 1999 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=1999. Retrieved 2009-06-07. 
  18. "Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 2001 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=2001. Retrieved 2009-03-28. 
  19. "Science Fiction & Fantasy Books by Award: 2006 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. http://www.worldswithoutend.com/books_year_index.asp?year=2006. Retrieved 2009-03-28. 
  20. George R. R. Martin. "冰与火之歌 Update". http://www.georgerrmartin.com/if-update.html. 
  21. www.locusmag.com
  22. http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Mike-The-Pike-Productions-Inc-1042223.html Press release
  23. http://www.idwpublishing.com/news/article/1348/
  24. http://grrm.livejournal.com/225206.html
  25. George R.R. Martin is our Author of the Year, Deirdre Donahue, USA TODAY, 12/28/2011


