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Years after Aegon's Conquest/Calculations Ages

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  • 1:無論男女,人物在生育第一個孩子時應至少年滿13歲。這條準則基於書本中的幾個事實:
  • 2:同父同母的手足,為方便計算,他們的年齡至少相差一歲。同父異母或同母異父的手足不在討論範圍之內。












Kerwin is judged to be 22 years old in 300AC.[3] That gives Kerwin the following goptions:

  • 21 turning 22 in 300AC, placing his birth in 278AC
  • 22 turning 23 in 300AC, placing his birth in 277AC

No further specifications can be given. Kerwin was born in either 277AC or 278AC.







Khrazz is roughly 40 years younger than Barristan Selmy,[6] who was born in 237AC (see Barristan Selmy). That means Khrazz was born roughly speaking in 277AC.



凱拉 is known to have been 18 years old in 299AC.[7] This would give Kyra the following two options:

  • 17 turning 18 in 299AC, placing her birth in 281AC
  • 18 turning 19 in 299AC, placing her birth in 280AC

No further specifications can be given. Kyra was thus born in either 280AC or 281AC



Kyra would have been at least 13 years old when her eldest child was born. Her eldest child, Walder, was born in 290AC (see Walder Goodbrook), meaning that Kyra’s last possible moment of birth was 13 years prior to 290AC, in 277AC.

Kyra’s father Jared would have been at least 13 years old when his firstborn child was born, and thus at least 14 when his second born child, Kyra, was born. Jared’s earliest possible year of birth in 248AC (see Jared Frey), meaning that Kyra’s earliest possible year of birth was 14 years later, in 262AC.

Kyra was thus born in or between 262AC and 277AC.

Lady Frey (Walder Frey's sister)[]


Lady Frey was 15 years old when she got married in 212AC.[8] That gives her the following options:

  • 14 turning 15, placing her birth in 197AC
  • 15 turning 16, placing her birth in 196AC

No further specifications can be given. Lady Frey was thus born in either 196AC or 197AC.



Laena is known to have been 12 years old in 105AC.[9] that gives her the following options:

  • 11 turning 12 in 105AC, placing her birth in 93AC
  • 12 turning 13 in 105AC, placing her birth in 92AC.

Further, Laena is known to have been 22 years old in 115AC, and 27 years old in 120AC.[9] Both give the same options as above.

No further specifications can be given. Laena was thus born in either 92AC or 93AC.






More than 6 months into 298AC, Ned Stark guesses Lancel to be 15 years old.[11] Being 15 more than 6 months into 298AC, and 16 in the first half of 299AC,[12][13] Lancel would have either turned 16 in the last few months of 298AC, or in the first half of 299AC.

  • Turning 16 in 298AC, placing Lancels birth in 282AC
  • Turning 16 in 299AC, placing Lancels birth in 283AC

In the first half of 299AC, Lancel is 16 years old. In early 300AC, Lancel is 17 years old. Lancel has turned 17 by the beginning of 300AC.[4] Already being 17 in early 300AC, eliminates the possibility of Lancels nameday falling further in the year.

Ned Stark guesses Lancel to be 4 years older than his cousin Tyrek, who was born in 286AC (see Tyrek Lannister). If Ned is correct in his guess, Lancel was indeed born in 282AC.



拉娜 is 14 years old in 300AC.[14] That gives the following options:

  • 13 turning 14 in 300AC, placing her birth in 286AC
  • 14 turning 15 in 300AC, placing her birth in 285AC

No further specifications can be given. Lanna was thus born in either 285AC or 286AC.



In 299AC, Larence is known to be 12 years old.[15] 勞倫斯·雪諾 was near 12 during the Harvest Feast in 299AC.[16] In late 299AC, Larence has turned 13.[17] In 300AC, Larence is stated to have been 13 years old.[18] With Larence having been both 12 and 13 in 299AC, and with Larence being 13 years old in both 299AC and 300AC, he was thus 12 turning 13 in 299AC and 13 turning 14 in 300AC. This places his birth in 286AC.



Larys would have been at least one year younger than his older brother Harwin. [10] Harwin was born in 90AC the latest (see Harwin Strong). That means that Larys was born in 91AC or before. No further specifications can be given.



Layna was estimated to have been 18 years old in 298AC by Chiswyck, but 13 by Rafford.[19] Lyana’s youngest option is turning 13 in 298AC, which would place Layna’s birth in 285AC. Lyana’s eldest option is being 18 turning 19 in 298AC, which would place Layna’s birth in 279AC.

Layna was thus born in or between 279AC and 285AC.



葉子 claims to have seen 200 years in 300AC.[20] That would place her birth in 100AC, if she’s being specific.



Leana was not yet born in late 299AC,[17] but has been born by early 300AC.[18] No further specifications can be given. Leana was born in either 299AC or 300AC



皮革 is well past 40 in 300AC, with sons and grandsons of his own.[21] That places his birth before 259AC. No further specifications can be given.






萊摩兒 is past 40 in 300AC.[23] This gives her the minimum age of 41 in 300AC, placing her birth no later than 259AC.



洛麗絲·史鐸克渥斯 was 33 years old during 299AC.[24] Being 33 years old in 299AC gives two options:

  • 32 turning 33 in 299AC, placing her birth in 266AC
  • 33 turning 34 in 299AC, placing her birth in 265AC

Lollys is also known to have been 34 years old in 299AC.[17] This shows that Lollys was 33 turning 34 in 299AC, eliminating the option of 266AC, placing her birth in 265AC.

Lollys was thus born in either 265AC.



Ser Loras is described as being 16 years old during the Hand’s tourney in 298AC,[25] and later also when Eddard Stark sends men after Gregor Clegane.[26] Catelyn Tully, upon seeing Loras in 299AC, thinks he cannot have been more than two years older than Robb, who was, at that moment, 15, while also thinking how Loras could not yet have reached his second nameday wen Robert Baratheon won his crown in 283AC.[27] When Tyrion is speaking with Ser Loras after the Battle of the Blackwater, but before Margaery’s and Joffrey’s wedding, thus in 299AC, Loras is mentioned to be 17 years old.[28] This could give the following options:

  • 15 turning 16 in 298AC, 16 turning 17 in 299AC, and 17 turning 18 in 300AC, placing his birth year in 282AC
  • 16 turning 17 in 298AC, 17 turning 18 in 299AC, and 18 turning 19 in 300AC, placing his birth year in 281AC

On the day of Margaery’s wedding to Tommen, in the year 300AC, when Margaery herself is noted to be 16 years old, Cersei notes that Loras is one year older than her.[29] With Margaery still being 16 years old, that would make Loras 17 years old in 300AC, meaning that Loras was born in 282AC, as the other option would not be possible, compared to Cersei’s quote.

In addition, Jaime Lannister mentions that Loras is 17 years old in 300AC,[30] confirming that Loras was 17 in both 299AC and 300AC, placing his birth in 282AC.










Lothar is the eldest son of Lord Walder Frey with his fourth wife, Alyssa Blackwood. Lothar’s first elder brother is Raymund Frey, the youngest son of Walder Frey by his third wife, Amarei Crakehall. Raymund was born in 264AC (see Raymund Frey). This means that Lothar cannot have been born earlier than one year after Raymund, especially since Amarei Crakehal, Lord Walder’s third wife, has died in 264AC (see Amarei Crakehall). This makes Lothars first possible birth year 265AC.

Lothar's first younger sibling, Jammos, was born no later than 267AC (see Jammos Frey). Lothar would have been born at least one year before, making 266AC the last possible year of birth for Lothar.

No further specifications can be given. Lothar was thus born in 265AC or 266AC.

Luceon (Frey)[]


Luceon is younger than his brother Jared by at least one year. Jared was born the earliest in 248AC (see Jared Frey), meaning that Luceons earliest possible year of birth is 249AC.

Luceon is older than his younger brother Hosteen by at least one year. Hosteen was born in 258AC the latest (see Hosteen Frey), meaning that Luceon was born no later than one year before, in 257AC.

No further specifications can be given. Luceon was thus born in or between 249AC and 257AC.



Lucos is 16 years old in 299AC.[17] That gives him the following options:

  • 15 turning 16 in 299AC, placing his birth in 283AC
  • 16 turning 17 in 299AC, placing his birth in 282AC

Lucos is also 16 years old in 300AC.[18] That eliminates the option of having been 16 turning 17 in 299AC, leaving only one option for Lucos』 birth year: 283AC.

Lucos was thus born in either 283AC.



Lord Randyll Tarly went to Highgarden to bend the knee to Lord Tyrell, and took Samwell with him.[35] With Mace Tyrell already being in charge of the Siege at Storm’s End during Robert’s Rebellion, this suggests that Mace became the Lord of Highgarden after Samwell’s birth (since Samwell was born before the Rebellion), and thus that Luthor died after Samwell’s birth. Samwell was born in 283AC, placing Luthors death in either 283AC or after.



Lyanna Mormont is mentioned to be 「ten, or near enough to make no matter」 in 300AC.[36] This shows that Lyanna is either still 9, to be turning 10 later in the year, or she already had turned 10 in 300AC. This places Lyanna’s birth in 290AC.







林曼·畢斯柏里 []


Lyman was 80 years old in 129AC.[9] That gives him the following options:

  • 79 turning 80 in 129AC, placing his birth in 49AC
  • 80 turning 81 in 129AC, placing his birth in 48AC

No further specifications can be given. Lyman was thus born in either 48AC or 49AC.



Lyman is 8 years old in 299AC.[15] That gives Lyman the following options:

  • 7 turning 8 in 299AC, placing his birth in 291AC
  • 8 turning 9 in 299AC, placing his birth in 290AC

No further specifications can be given. Lyman was born in either 290AC or 291AC.



Lyonel is 40-odd years old in 300AC.[38] This indicates that he was born around 260AC



Lyonel Frey is the second son of Emmon Frey and Genna Lannister. That means he is at least one year younger than his older brother Cleos, who was born in 258AC the earliest (see Cleos Frey). This would make one year later, 259AC, the first possible year of birth for Lyonel.

Lyonel will have been older than his younger brother Tion by at least a year. Tion was born no later than 284AC (see Tion Frey), meaning that Lyonel was born no later than 1 year before, in 283AC.

Lyonel was thus born in or between 259AC and 283AC.



Lyra Mormont will have been at least one year younger than her older sister Alysanne, who was born in 276AC the earliest (see Alysanne Mormont). This means that Lyra was born in 277AC the earliest.

Lyra’s next sister, Jorelle, is at least one year younger than her. Jorelle was born in 289AC the latest (see Jorelle Mormont), showing that Lyra will have been born in 288AC the latest.

No further specifications can be given. Lyra was thus born in or between 277AC and 288AC.



Lysa Tully was two years younger than her sister Catelyn.[39] Upon reminiscing about her youth, Catelyn Tully notes how she was just as old as her daughter Sansa, while Lysa was not yet as old, thus younger, as daughter Arya.[40] Sansa and Arya Stark differ 2 years and a few months in age, showing that in reality, Catelyn and Lysa differ a bit more than 2 years and a few months in age. It can be said that the maximum difference in age of the two sisters is 2,5 years, since anything higher than 2,5 years would be rounded up to 3 years, generally speaking.

Catelyn Tully was born in 264AC (see CatelynTully). If Catelyn's birth fell in the first half of the year 264AC, Lysa's birth, being between 2 and 2,5 years later, would fall in 266AC. If Catelyn's birth fell in the last few months of 264AC, however, Lysa's birth could possibly fall in the first few months of 267AC.

Since it is unknown where in the year Catelyn's birth falls, further specifications cannot be given. Lysa Tully was thus born in either 266AC or 267AC.



Lythene is younger than her brother Hosteen by at least one year. Hosteen was born the earliest in 250AC (see Hosteen Frey), meaning that Lythene’s earliest possible year of birth is 251AC.

Lythene is older than her younger brother Symond by at least one year. Symond was born in 260AC the latest (see Symond Frey), meaning that Lythene was born no later than one year before, in 259AC.

No further specifications can be given. Lythene was thus born in or between 251AC and 259AC.



Mace Tyrell is no more than 10 years older than Cersei Lannister,[4] who was born in 266AC (see Cersei Lannister), indicating that Mace was born in 256 AC. Any later seems unlikely, since that would make Mace’s mother Olenna relatively old during the birth of her first child (see Olenna Redwyne).



Maege’s youngest daughter is 10 years old. After about the age of 50, after menopause has taken place, women can no longer give birth. This shows that when Lyanna Mormont (aged 10 in 300AC, born in 289-291AC) was born, Maege was not yet 50. If Lyanna was born as the last child Maege could possibly have birthed, Maege would have been born around 50 years prior, around 239-241AC. This earliest Maege could have been born.

Maege's eldest daughter Dacey was born no later than 277AC (see Dacey Mormont). Maege will have been at least 13 years old when giving birth to Dacey. This places the last moment of birth for Maege in 264AC.

Maege tells Robb Stark, who is 15 years old at that moment, that he was young enough to have been her grandson.[41] With each generation of women being at least 13 years old at the birth of their first child, and with Robb Stark having been born in 283AC, Maege would have thus been born no later than 23 years prior to Robb, placing her birth in 257AC the latest.

Maege Mormont was thus born between 239AC and 257AC.



Maegelle will be at least one year younger than her older brother Aegon Frey. Aegon was born in 248AC the earliest (see Aegon Frey (Jinglebell)), meaning that Maegelle was born no earlier than 249AC.

Maegelle’s second child is a squire, meaning he would have the minimum age of 5 in 299AC,[42] making the last possible year of birth of Walder Vance 291AC (see Walder Vance). Maegelle would have been at least 13 years old when giving birth to her firstborn child, and thus 14 years old when giving birth to her second born child. With Maegelle having the minimum age of 13 when birthing Walder, and with Walder having been born in 293AC the latest, Maegelle was born no later than 280AC.

Concluded can be that Maegelle Frey was born in or between 249AC and 280AC.



Maegor was 5 years younger than his brother Aenys. Aenys was born in either 6AC or 7AC (see Aenys I Targaryen), meaning that Maegor was born in either 11AC or 12AC.



Maekar was the fourth born son of Daeron II. Maekar’s eldest son, Daeron, was born in 191AC the latest (see Daeron Targaryen). Maekar would have been at least 13 years old at Daeron’s birth. This means that 178AC is the latest possible year of birth for Maekar.

Maekar’s eldest brother Baelor was born in 169AC the earliest (see Baelor Targaryen). Between Baelor and Maekar are two other brothers. This means that Maekar was born at least 3 years after Baelor, making the first possible year of birth for Maekar 172AC.

Maekar was thus born in or between 172ACAC and 178AC.



Malwyn has been mentioned to have been 15 in 299AC[15][17]. This gives Malwyn the following options:

  • 14 turning 15 in 299AC, placing his birth in 284AC
  • 15 turning 16 in 299AC, placing his birth in 283AC

Malwyns older brother Robert was born in 283AC (see Robert Frey). Due to Robert being still 16 in the first months (or so) in 300AC, and taking in account the amount of time that his mother would need to recover for a new pregnancy, this rules out that Malwyn was born in the same year as his older brother, thus ruling out the option of 283AC.

Malwyn Frey was born in 284AC.



Marei is older than Shae.[13] Shae was born in either 280AC or 281AC (see Shae). This means that Marei was born in 280AC the latest, though possibly before.



Margaery Tyrell is described as a maid of 14 years in 298AC,[11][43] as a girl 「no older than Robb」 (who is 15 years old at that moment)[27] in 299AC and later as a girl of 「15 or 16 years」 old during 299AC.[44] She is described as being 16 when she arrives in King’s Landing, also in 299AC,[45] and she is still 16 years old on her wedding day, the first day of 300AC.[46] This means that whilst the year turns from 299AC into 300AC, Margaery stays 16, indicating that she was 15 turning 16 in 299AC, and 16 turning 17 in 300AC.

This concludes that Margaery was born in 283AC.



瑪蕊蓮·凡斯 was the eldest child of Maegelle Frey. Maegelle was born no earlier than 249AC (see Maegelle Frey), and would have been at least 13 years old when Marianne was born. This means that Marianne was born no earlier than 262AC.

Marianne would be at least one year older than her younger brother Walder, who was born no later than 294AC (see Walder Vance), meaning that Marianne would be born no later than 1 year before, in 293AC.

Marianne was thus born in or between 262AC and 293AC.

Note: Marianne is mentioned to still be a maiden unwed in 299AC and 300AC, suggesting that she is closer in age to her cousin, Fair Walda, who was born in either 280AC or 281AC.



Marillion is judged to be 18 years old in 298AC.[47] If Catelyn’s judgement is correct, that gives two options for Marillion’s birth:

  • 17 turning 18 in 298AC, placing his birth in 280AC
  • 18 turning 19 in 298AC, placing his birth in 279AC

No further specifications can be given. Marillion was born in either 279AC or 280AC.



Marissa has been mentioned to have been 13 years old in 299AC[15][17] and in 300AC.[18] Being 13 years old in both 299AC and 300AC means she was 12 turning 13 in 299AC, and 13 turning 14 in 300AC, placing her birth in 286AC.

Marissa was thus born in 286AC.



馬倫·葛雷喬伊 was the second born child of Balon Greyjoy. He was born at least 1 year before his sister Asha, though most likely he was somewhat older, since he had command of his own ship during the Greyjoy Rebellion in 289AC.

Being at least one year older than his sister, would mean Maron was born at the latest in 275AC (see also Asha Greyjoy). Having been born in 275AC would have made him 14 during the Greyjoy Rebellion, which might not be old enough to be commanding your own ship during a war. Seeing as how the Ironborn follow strength above all, they might not have followed a 14 year old boy.

For Maron this means that he was born in 275AC the absolute latest, but possibly (and most likely) some years before.

Note: Aeron Greyjoy remembers that his older brother Balon commanded his own longship at the age of 17, and hints that this is exceptional. If both Rodrik and Maron already commanded their own longship before their deaths, they most likely were both older than 17, being 18 years old at least, though most likely older. This would make Rodriks latest possible year of birth 270AC, and Maron’s 271AC.



Maron was 16 years old in 300AC.[48] That gives the following options:

  • 15 turning 16 in 300AC, placing his birth in 284AC
  • 16 turning 17 in 300AC, placing his birth in 283AC

No further specifications can be given. Maron was thus born in either 283AC or 284AC.



Matarys was the younger brother of Valarr Targaryen. He was younger by at least a year, and since Valarr’s first possible year of birth is 183AC (see Valarr Targaryen), this means that Matarys was born in 184AC the earliest. No maximum birth year can be given.



Mathis has been mentioned to have been 5 years old in 299AC[15][17] and in 300AC.[18] Being 5 years old in both 299AC and 300AC means he was 4 turning 5 in 299AC, and 5 turning 6 in 300AC, placing his birth in 294AC.

Mathis was thus born in 294AC.



梅拉·黎德 is 15 years old during the Harvest Feast at Winterfell, which takes place in 299AC, after the Red Comet has appeared in the sky.[49] Meera has turned 16 before 299AC ends.[50] Meera being both 15 and 16 during 299AC, places her birth in 283AC.



Megga is known to be close to Sansa Starks age.[45] Sansa Stark was born in 286AC. This places Megga’s birth roughly around 286AC as well.



Melara was 11 years old in 276AC or 277AC.[1] That gives the following options:

  • 10 turning 11 in 276AC, placing her birth in 265AC
  • 11 turning 12 in 276AC, placing her birth in 264AC
  • 10 turning 11 in 277AC, placing her birth in 266AC
  • 11 turning 12 in 277AC, placing her birth in 265AC

Melara is described as to be older than Cersei. Cersei was born in 266AC (see Cersei Lannister), so if Melara had been born in that year, just a few weeks earlier, Cersei most likely would have described her as having been the same age. This rules out 266AC as Melara’s birth year.

Melara was thus born in either 264AC or 265AC.



諾佛斯的梅拉莉歐 is known to be younger than her husband, Doran Martell.[51] Doran Martell was born in 247AC the earliest (see Doran Martell). This means that Mellario was born in 248AC or later.

Mellario gave birth to her first child, Arianne, in 276AC (see Arianne Martell). Mellario would have been at least 13 years old at Arianne’s birth, meaning that Mellario was born in 263AC the latest.

Mellario was born in or between 248AC and 263AC.



Merianne has been mentioned to have been 11 years old in 299AC[15][17] and in 300AC.[18] Being 11 years old in both 299AC and 300AC means she was 10 turning 11 in 299AC, and 11 turning 12 in 300AC, placing her birth in 288AC.

Merianne was thus born in 288AC.



梅里巴德 was no older than Podrick Payne, thus 12 years old, when he went off to war, to the War of the Ninepenny Kings.[52] The War of the Ninepenny Kings took place in either 259AC, 260AC, or 261AC (see War of the Ninepenny Kings). With Meribald no older than 12 in one of these years, that gives Meribald the following options:

  • 12 in 259AC
    • 11 turning 12, placing his birth in 247AC
    • 12 turning 13, placing his birth in 246AC
  • 12 in 260AC
    • 11 turning 12, placing his birth in 248AC
    • 12 turning 13, placing his birth in 247AC
  • 12 in 261AC
    • 11 turning 12, placing his birth in 249AC
    • 12 turning 13, placing his birth in 248AC

Meribald states in 300AC that it will be 40 years 「soon」, since he has been walking through the Seven Kingdoms, which he started doing after the War of the Ninepenny Kings.[52] Had it been exactly 40 years in 300AC, the War would have taken place in 260AC. However, Meribald states that the War of the Ninepenny Kings was almost 40 years ago, placing the War of the Ninepenny Kings in 261AC.

This would eliminate the years 246AC and 247AC as possible birth years, leaving only the possibilities 248AC and 249AC.









Merrett Frey mentions in 300AC that he will be 40 years old in 「less than 3 years」,[53] meaning that he will thus be turning 38 in 300AC, 39 in 301AC and 40 in 302AC, making it less than 3 but more than 2 years before Merrett turns 40.

Turning 38 in 300AC means that Merrett was born in 262AC.



Mirri Maz Duur is said to have been 40 years old in either late 298AC or early 299AC.[54] This gives Mirri the following options:

  • 39 turning 40 in 298AC, placing her birth in 258AC
  • 40 turning 41 in 298AC, placing her birth in 257AC
    • This option is only valid if Daenerys meets Mirri Maz Duur in 298AC
  • 39 turning 40 in 299AC, placing her birth in 259AC
    • This option is only valid if Daenerys meets Mirri Maz Duur in 299AC
  • 40 turning 41 in 299AC, placing her birth in 258AC.

No further specifications can be given. Mirri was thus born in either 257AC, 258AC or 259AC.



彌桑黛 is judged to be 「no older than 10」 in 299AC[55] and is known to be 11 years old in 300AC.[56] That gives her two options:

  • 9 turning 10 in 299AC, and 10 turning 11 in 300AC, placing her birth in 289AC
  • 10 turning 11 in 299AC, and 11 turning 12 in 300AC, placing her birth in 288AC

No further specifications can be given. Missandei was born in either 288AC or 289AC.



蒙特里·瓦列利安 was 6 years old in 299AC.[57] In 300AC, Monterys is still 6 years old.[18] Being 6 years old in both 299AC and 300AC shows that Monterys was 5 turning 6 in 299AC and is 6 turning 7 in 300AC. This places his birth in 293AC.







Mors was born after Doran Martell, but before Elia Martell.[59] Doran was born in 247AC the earliest (see Doran Martell), and Elia Martell in 258AC the latest (see Elia Martell). Mors would thus have been born at least one year after Doran, but one year before Elia, placing his birth in or between 248AC and 257AC.


Mors died in the cradle, before the birth of Elia Martell.[59] That places his death in or between 248AC and 258AC, since Mors could have died in the same year that Elia was born.



Mors Umber is said to have been older than the father of Lady Donella Hornwood.[16] Lady Donella is known to have been passed her childbearing years, placing her birth no later than 249AC (see Donella Hornwood). Donella's father would have been at least 13 years old at her birth, since it is unknown if Donella had older siblings and Donella could thus potentially have been her fathers firstborn child. This would place Donella's fathers birth no later than 236AC.

Since Mors Umber is said to have been older than Donella’s father, Mors would have been born in 235AC or earlier.

Note: Donella could very well have been older in 299AC than she is estimated here. But since Donella’s age cannot be estimated, the numbers for Donella, her father, and Mors Umber are absolute minimums.



Morya Frey is younger than Whalen Frey by at least one year. Whalen was born no earlier than 267AC (see Whalen Frey), meaning that one year later, 268AC, is the first possible birth year of Morya.

Morya is older than her sister Tyta Frey by at least one year. The last possible birth year for Tyta is 270AC (see Tyta Frey), making Morya's last possible year of birth one year before, in 269AC.

No further specifications can be given. Morya was thus born in either 268AC or 269AC.



Mya Stone was noted to be 17 or 18 years old by Catelyn Tully in 298AC.[39] In addition, Ned Stark remembers, in 298AC, that Mya Stone was 17 or 18 years old, and that Robert Baratheon had been younger than that when he fathered her.[11] Being 17 or 18 years old in 298 would give Mya the following options:

  • 16 turning 17 in 298AC, placing her birth in 281AC
  • 17 turning 18 in 298AC, placing her birth in 280AC
  • 18 turning 19 in 298AC, placing her birth in 279AC

Robert Baratheon was born in 263AC (see Robert Baratheon). The three possible birth years for Mya would then give the following options:

  • Mya was born in 279AC, placing her conception in 278AC
    • Robert Baratheon would have been 15 years old
  • Mya was born in 280AC, placing her conception in 279AC
    • Robert Baratheon would have been 16 years old
  • Mya was born in 281AC, placing her conception in 280AC
    • Robert Baratheon would have been 17 years old

Since it is stated that Robert was younger than 17 when fathering, thus conceiving, Mya, the year 281AC as a possible birth year for Mya is eliminated. It can now be stated that Mya was born in either 280AC or 279AC.

The appendix of a Storm of Swords notes Mya to be 19 years old.[17] Since it’s unknown whether this appendix indicated Mya is 19 in 299AC or whether it indicates that she was 19 in 300AC, (the appendix usually lists characters as the age they have in the beginning of the book, however, Mya isn’t mentioned, nor does she appear, until after the turning of the year, creating the insecurity in her specific case) several options are left for Mya:

  • Being 19 in 299AC
    • 18 turning 19 in 299AC, placing her birth in 280AC
    • 19 turning 20 in 299AC, placing her birth in 279AC
  • Being 19 in 300AC
    • 18 turning 19 in 300AC, placing her birth in 281AC
    • 19 turning 20 in 300AC, placing her birth in 280AC

Concluded can be that Mya was born in 280AC or 279AC, though it has been disproven that Mya could have been born in 281AC, since Robert would then not have been younger than Mya was when fathering her.

No further specifications can be given. Mya was thus born in either 279AC or 280AC.

Note: Both options also align with the fact that Mya is able to remember Robert,[38] something which she wouldn´t have been able to do if she had been born in 281AC, since humans cannot remember something that happened when they were only 1 year old. Robert left the Eyrie in 282AC to go to war, and has not been mentioned to have visited Mya afterwards.



米凱, the butchersboy, is mentioned to have been one year older than Joffrey Baratheon[60], who was born in 286AC (see Joffrey Baratheon), and several years older than Arya Stark[60], who was born in 289AC (see Arya Stark). Being one year older than Joffrey means Mycah was born in 285AC, which would make him several years older than Arya as well.

Mycah was thus born in 285AC



米蘭塔·卡倫 was three times as old as her husband, Petyr Frey, when they got married.[61] During their wedding, Petyr Frey was 10 years old,[61] making Mylenda roughly 30 years old. Petyr was born in 281AC (see Petyr Frey), and was thus 10 years old in either 291AC, or 292AC. This means that Mylenda was roughly 30 years old in either 291AC or 292AC.

Roughly 30 years old in Lua錯誤 在Module:Date的第10行:attempt to compare nil with number indicates she was between the ages of 27 and 33, in either 291AC or 292AC. This would place her birth in or between 258AC (if she was turning 33 in 291AC, her oldest possible option) and 265AC (if she was turning 27 in 292AC, her youngest possible option).

Note: Mylenda is mentioned to be twice as old as her husband in in 300AC.[53] Petyr, in 300AC, is 19 years old. This would make Mylenda roughly 38 years old in 300AC. Being about 8 years older than she was at her wedding, which took place 8 or 9 years prior, yields no further information.



米斯300AC時已經死了四年。[62] 這說明他死於296AC



Myranda is of an age of Mya Stone, in 300AC.[38] Mya Stone was born in either 279AC or 280AC (see Mya Stone). Myranda will have been born around those years as well.



In 298AC, during the welcoming feast in Winterfell, Myrcella was 7 years old[63]. Myrcella was 9 years old when she was betrothed to Trystane Martell in 299AC,[64] and 10 years old in 300AC, when she was spending time at Sunspear.[33] Being 7 in 298AC and 9 in 299AC gives only one option: Myrcella was 7 turning 8 in 298AC, 8 turning 9 in 299AC and 9 turning 10 in 300AC. Myrcella was thus born in 290AC.



奈麗詩·坦格利安 was the only daughter of Viserys II, and it is unknown if she was born as a first child, as a second child, or as a third child. If she was born as a first child, she would have been born no earlier than 135AC, the first possible year for her father to have been 13 years old, since Viserys was born in 122AC.[10]

Naerys』 son and eldest child, Daeron II, was born in or between 152AC and 157AC (see Daeron II Targaryen). Naerys would have been at least 13 years old when he was born. With 157AC as Daeron’s last possible year of birth, Naerys』last possible year of birth would have been 13 years before, in 144AC.

Concluded can be that Naerys Targaryen was born in or between 135AC and 144AC.



Norren was 22 years old in 130AC. [9] That gives him the following options:

  • 21 turning 22 in 130AC, placing his birth in 108AC
  • 22 turning 23 in 130AC, placing his birth in 107AC

No further specifications can be given. Norren was thus born in either 107AC or 108AC.



The uncertain factor of not knowing the place of Nymeria’s conception has been taken into account. Nymeria is described as being 25 years old in 300AC.[59][18] This leaves the following options:

  • 24 turning 25 in 300AC, placing her birth in 275AC
  • 25 turning 26 in 300AC, placing her birth in 274AC

In addition to Nymeria’s age in 300AC, we also know she was born to a noble woman from Volantis. For her father Oberyn to visit Volantis, he would have to travel to the Free Cities.

Oberyn was born in either 257AC or 258AC (see Oberyn Martell). At the age of 16 he was temporarily exiled to Lys.[65] From there, he travelled. Oberyn would have been 16 either in 273AC (15 turning 16 when born in 257AC) 274AC (15 turning 16 when born in 258AC, 16 turning 17 when born in 257AC) or 275AC (16 turning 17 when born in 258AC).

With Oberyn’s first chance of reaching Volantis in 273AC, this suggests that Nymeria cannot have been conceived before, and was thus born in 274AC, 9 months later. This would make her 25 turning 26 in 300AC.

With Oberyn’s last chance of reaching Volantis in 275AC, this suggests that Nymeria was either born in late 275AC (if Oberyn reached Volantis 9 months prior, in 275AC as well), or in 276AC. Having been born in 276AC cannot make her 25 years old in 300AC, and having been born in late 275AC cannot make her 25 years old in the first half of 300AC.

Nymeria was born in either 274AC or 275AC, if her place of conception was the Free City of Volantis.

Had the noblewoman from Volantis been in Westeros at the time of conception, however, Oberyn’s last chance of conceiving Nymeria would have been either 274AC or 275AC (before Oberyn turned 17, since he was exiled at the age of 16). This would put Nymeria’s year of birth either in:

  • 274AC (if the conception happened in 273AC)
  • 275AC (if the conception happened in 274AC)
  • 276AC (if the conception happened in 275AC)

As stated, the year 276AC for Nymeria’s birth is not possible, since that would make it impossible for her to be 25 years old in 300AC.

Nymeria was born in either 274AC or 275AC, if her place of conception was Westeros.



Obara is described as being 28 years old in 300AC.[18] This leaves the following options:

  • 27 turning 28 in 300AC, placing her birth in 272AC
  • 28 turning 29 in 300AC, placing her birth in 271AC

No further specifications can be given. Obara was thus born in either 271AC or 272AC.



Obella Sand is mentioned to be 12 years old during 300AC.[66] That leaves two options for Obella:

  • 11 turning 12 in 300AC, placing her birth in 288AC
  • 12 turning 13 in 300AC, placing her birth in 287AC

No further specifications can be given. Obella was thus born in either 287AC or 288AC.



When Tyrion Lannister had just been born, Oberyn Martell, according to his own account, was 14 or 15 years old. With Tyrion born in either 272AC or 273AC (see Tyrion Lannister), that leaves several options for Oberyn Martell to have been 14 or 15 years old:

  • 13 turning 14 in 272AC, placing his birth in 258AC
  • 13 turning 14 in 273AC, placing his birth in 259AC
  • 14 turning 15 in 272AC, placing his birth in 257AC
  • 14 turning 15 in 273AC, placing his birth in 258AC
  • 15 turning 16 in 272AC, placing his birth in 256AC
  • 15 turning 16 in 273AC, placing his birth in 257AC

This gives the years 256AC until 259AC as options.

Doran Martell was born in either 247AC or 248AC (see Doran Martell). Oberyn is known to have been born 10 years later than Doran, which would give two options: either Oberyn was born in 257AC or in 258AC. This eliminates several possibilities, namely 256AC and 259AC.

When Tyrion meets Oberyn Martell in 299AC, he described Oberyn as a man past forty, not as a man of forty.[67] This shows that Oberyn, in 299AC, is at least 41 years old, if not older. The youngest Oberyn could be at that time, was 40 turning 41 prior to meeting Tyrion in 299AC, meaning that he was born in 258AC or before (since Oberyn being older than 40 turning 41 in 299AC would place his nameday earlier in the century). This cannot further specify Oberyn’s year of birth.

No further specifications can be given. Oberyn was thus born in either 257AC or 258AC.

Note: Oberyn gives several accounts of having met Tyrion Lannister shortly after Tyrions birth. He states that Jaime and Cersei Lannister were 「8 or 9 years old」,[67] but with Tyrions two options of 272AC and 273AC, combined with the birth of Jaime and Cersei in 266AC, it can be seen that in truth, Cersei and Jaime would have been either 5 years old (5 turning 6 in 272AC), 6 years old (5 turning 6 in 272AC or 6 turning 7 in 273AC) or 7 years old (6 turning 7 in 273AC). This shows that Oberyn’s account is rather untrustworthy, and cannot be used to narrow down his own age. Other discrepancies in Oberyn’s account can also be found. Oberyn tells he was 「14 or 15, thereabouts」, showing that doesn’t even recall how old he was when he visited Casterly Rock. He also states that between the twins and him and Elia were 5 or 6 years,[68] but at another moment, he states that while Jaime and Cersei were 8 or 9, he was 14 or 15, and thus Elia 15 or 16, giving age differences from 5 to 8 years.

Olenna Redwyne[]


Olenna is said to have been in her sixties in 299AC.[69] This means she was between the age of 61 and 69 years old, placing her birth between 238AC and 230AC.

No further specifications can be given. Olenna was thus born in or between 230AC and 238AC.



Olyvar is 2 years older than Robb Stark,[70] and is known to have been 18 in 299AC.[15][17] Olyvar was 17 years old in 299AC as well. With Olyvar having been both 17 and 18 in 299AC, Olyvar was thus 17 turning 18 in 299AC, which places his birth in 281AC.


Olyvar was born after Doran Martell, but before Elia Martell.[59] Doran was born in 247AC the earliest (see Doran Martell), and Elia Martell in 258AC the latest (see Elia Martell). Olyvar would thus have been born at least one year after Doran, but one year before Elia, placing his birth in or between 248AC and 257AC.


Olyvar died in the cradle, before the birth of Elia Martell.[59] That places his death in or between 248AC and 258AC, since Olyvar could have died in the same year that Elia was born.



Osmund is mentioned to be 2 years old in both 299AC and 300AC.[15][17][18] Being 2 years old in both 299AC and 300AC, means Osmund was 1 turning 2 in 299AC, and 2 turning 3 in 300AC, placing his birth in 297AC.



Ottyn is known to have been of an age with Jeor Mormont,[71] who was born in 230AC (see Jeor Mormont). 「Off an age with」 doesn’t mean that Ottyn was born in the same year as Mormont, but around the same time, possibly differing a few years. No further specifications can be given about Ottyn. His birth is thus placed in roughly in the year 230AC.



Pate is 8 years old in 300AC.[18][72] That gives him the following options:

  • 7 turning 8 in 300AC, placing his birth in 292AC
  • 8 turning 9 in 300AC, placing his birth in 291AC

No further specifications can be given. Pate was thus born in either 291AC or 292AC.



Pate has been at the Citadel for 5 years in 300AC,[73] indicating that he arrived in 295AC. Pate is known to have been 13 years old upon his arrival at the Citadel, [73] which gives him the following options:

  • 12 turning 13 in 295AC, placing his birth in 282AC
  • 13 turning 14 in 295AC, placing his birth in 281AC

No further specifications can be given. Pate was born in either 281AC or 282AC.

Pate (Standfast)[]


Pate was old enough in 211AC to have been fighting in the Blackfyre Rebellion in 196AC.[74] Fighting is usually done from the age of 15 years old or older[74], so Pate will have been 15 years old in 196AC, meaning he had been born by 181AC at least. In 211AC, people older than 50 were not wanted for the upcoming fight. This means that Pate could not have been older than 50 in 211AC, meaning that he was born the earliest in 161AC.

Pate was thus born in or between 161AC and 181AC.



Patrek is at least one year younger than his brother Walder. Walder was born in 263AC the earliest (see Walder Vance), meaning that Patrek cannot have been born earlier than one year later, in 264AC.

Patrek is not mentioned to have been a babe during 299AC or 300AC, meaning he was at least 5 during the events of 299AC[75]. This would make Patrek turning 5 in 299AC the minimum of his birth range, placing his birth no later than 294AC.

Patrek was born in or between 264AC and 294AC.



Tyrion Lannister guessed 分妮 to be 「17, 18, no more than 19」 in 300AC.[76] That gives Penny the following options:

  • 16 turning 17 in 300AC, placing her birth in 283AC
  • 17 turning 18 in 300AC, placing her birth in 282AC
  • 18 turning 19 in 300AC, placing her birth in 281AC

No further specifications can be given. Penny was born in either 281AC, 282AC or 283AC.

Perra Frey []


皮雅·佛雷 has been mentioned to have been 5 years old in 299AC[15][17] and in 300AC.[18]} This would mean she was 4 turning 5 in 299AC, and 5 turning 6 in 300AC, placing her birth in 294AC.



皮雅·羅伊斯 birthed her first child in either 233AC or 234AC (see Stevron Frey). She would have been at least 13 years old when Stevron was born, which means she was born no later than 221AC.


Perra’s last child was born in 241AC the earliest (see Perrianne Frey). Perra’s husband, Walder Frey, had remarried by at least 249AC, since his eldest child with his second wife was born in 249AC the latest (see Jared Frey).

This means that Perra had been married to Lord Walder Frey at least from 234AC until 241AC. They might have gotten married earlier, there are no further indications for that. Since her husband had remarried by 249AC, this year is the last possible year for Perra to have been alive.

Concluded can be that Perra died in or between 241AC and 249AC.



Perianne is younger than her brother Aenys by at least one year. Aenys was born the earliest in 240AC (see Aenys Frey), meaning that Perianne’s earliest possible year of birth is 241AC.

Perianne is older than her younger brother Jared by at least one year. Jared was born in 249AC the latest, meaning that Perianne was born no later than one year before, in 248AC.

No further specifications can be given. Perianne was thus born in or between 241AC and 248AC.



With his elder sister Tyta having been born in 269AC the earliest (see Tyta Frey), Perwyn cannot have been born earlier than 1 year later, thus 270AC.

Perwyn’s younger brother Olyvar was born in 281AC (see Olyvar Frey). Between Perwyn and Olyvar are two brothers, meaning that Perwyn’s latest possible birth year is 278AC, three years before Olyvar.

No further specifications can be given. Perwyn was thus born in or between 270AC and 278AC.



When Petyr Baelish was 「scarcely 15」, Brandon Stark was 20 years old.[58] It is known that Brandon Stark died at the age of 20 in 282 AC.[77] This means that Brandon Stark was either

  • 19 turning 20 in 282AC, placing his birth in 262AC
  • 20 turning 21 in 282AC, placing his birth in 261AC

Petyr Baelish was described as 「still shy of 30」 in 298AC.[58] This shows he was still 29 years old, leaving the options:

  • 28 turning 29 in 298AC, placing his birth in 269AC
  • 29 turning 30 in 298AC, placing his birth in 268AC

Note: 「Still shy of 30」 could suggest Petyr was even younger than 29. That would place his birth more recently in the timeline. Below will become clear why this is not an option.

When the sentence 「scarcely 15」 is used, is suggests that Petyr might not have actually been 15 years old, indicating that 14 is a possibility for the age Petyr had during his duel. If Petyr was indeed 14 years old, he would have been 14 while Brandon was 20. The possibilities for Brandon to have been 20 are:

  • When born in 261AC
    • 19 turning 20 in 281AC
    • 20 turning 21 in 282AC
  • When born in 262AC
    • 19 turning 20 in 282AC
    • 20 turning 21 in 283AC

Since it is known that Brandon dies in 282AC, the last option (20 turning 21 in 283AC) is immediately eliminated as a possible date for the duel. It is now known that Brandon could have been 20 during 281AC and 282AC.

So Petyr was 14 years old during the duel. His options of being 14 are:

  • If born in 268AC
    • 13 turning 14 in 282AC
    • 14 turning 15 in 283AC
  • If born in 269AC
    • 13 turning 14 in 283AC
    • 14 turning 15 in 284AC

The duel took place prior to Brandon’s death in 282AC, so in either 281AC or in 282AC, eliminating both the options of 283AC and 284AC. This completely eliminated the possibility that Petyr was bornin 269AC, or any later (and thus had been younger than 28 when Catelyn met him in 298AC). The only time when Petyr is 14 in either 281AC or 282AC is when he is 13 turning 14 in 282AC (if born in 268AC). This showes that Petyr was 14 while duelling Brandon Stark, and that he was born in 268AC.

Concluded can be that Petyr Baelish was born in 268AC.

Note: Should Petyr have been younger than 29 during 298AC, his nameday would have occurred later (269, 270 etc.). As seen above, it would not be possible for Petyr to be either 14 or 15 during the time Brandon was 20 if this was the case, since it would lead to Petyr being turning 14 after Brandon had already died.

Petyr Frey []


According to Edmure Tully, Petyr is a year or two older than Robb Stark,[61] who was born in 283AC (see Robb Stark). Being one year older than Robb Stark would place Petyrs birth in 282AC, being 2 years older would place his birth in 281AC.

Petyr has a daughter, who was born in 294AC (see Perra Frey). With the minimum age of 13 at the birth of a firstborn child, this would place Petyr’s birth in 281AC or before.

Concluded can be that Petyr was born in 281AC.



Podrick Payne was 12 years old in 299AC.[78] That gives Podrick the following options:

  • 11 turning 12 in 299AC, placing his birth in 287AC
  • 12 turning 13 in 299AC, placing his birth in 286AC

No further specifications can be given. Podrick was thus born in either 283AC or 287AC.



Pycelle mentions he was 42 years old when he was chosen as King Aegon V’s Grandmaester.[1] He also mentions he served King Aegon V for a few short months, until Aegon’s death in 259 AC.[1] Pycelle was 84 years old in 300AC.[1]

  • 41 turning 42 in 259AC, placing his birth in 217AC
  • 42 turning 43 in 259AC, placing his birth in 216AC


  • 83 turning 84 in 300AC, placing his birth in 216 AC
  • 84 turning 85 in 300AC, placing his birth in 215 AC

The only overlapping year is 216AC. This shows that Pycelle was born in 216AC.



派洛斯 is mentioned to have been no older than 25 in 299AC.[79] Being 25 years old in 299AC gives the following options:

  • 24 turning 25 in 299AC, placing his birth in 274AC
  • 25 turning 26 in 299AC, placing his birth in 273AC

No further specifications can be given. Since Cressen is not certain whether Pylos is actually 25 years old in 299AC, but gives 25 as a maximum age for Pylos in 299AC, we can assume that Pylos is absolutely no older than 25 at that moment, but might be a few years younger. Thus it can be concluded that Pylos was born in either 273AC or 274AC, possibly a few years later.



Quentyn Martell mentions he is 18 years old during 300AC.[80] This leaves the options:

  • 17 turning 18 in 300AC, placing his birth in 282AC
  • 18 turning 19 in 300AC, placing his birth in 281AC

Quentyn received his knighthood at the age of 18.[81] This cannot have happened in 300AC, since Quentyn refused his uncle Oberyn to knight him, accepting knighthood from Lord Anders Yronwood instead.[33] Oberyn Martell travelled away from Dorne in late 299AC[67] and did not return alive, showing that Quentyn was knighted in 299AC. If Quentyn was 18 in 299AC as well as in 300AC, Quentyn was thus 17 turning 18 in 300AC and 18 turning 19 in 300AC, placing his birth in 281AC.






科本 is mentioned to not be as old as Pycelle.[83] Pycelle was born in 216AC (see Pycelle). This places Qyburn’s birth no earlier than 215AC, but most likely later. No further specifications can be given.

See also[]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 群鴉盛宴章節 36,瑟曦。
  2. 詳見艾蘭多的年齡推斷。
  3. 血龍狂舞章節 56,鐵島求婚者。
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 群鴉盛宴章節 7,瑟曦。
  5. 詳見吉娜·蘭尼斯特的年齡推斷。
  6. 血龍狂舞章節 67,廢王者。
  7. 烽火危城章節 50,席恩。
  8. 七王國的騎士神秘騎士
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 危險的女人公主與王后
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 遊俠遊俠王子
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 權力遊戲章節 30,艾德。
  12. 烽火危城章節 25,提利昂。
  13. 13.0 13.1 烽火危城章節 29,提利昂。
  14. 群鴉盛宴章節 34,運河邊的貓兒。
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 烽火危城附錄
  16. 16.0 16.1 烽火危城章節 16,布蘭。
  17. 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 17.11 劍刃風暴附錄
  18. 18.00 18.01 18.02 18.03 18.04 18.05 18.06 18.07 18.08 18.09 18.10 18.11 群鴉盛宴附錄
  19. 烽火危城章節 30,艾莉亞。
  20. 血龍狂舞章節 34,布蘭。
  21. 血龍狂舞章節 35,瓊恩。
  22. 七王國的騎士劍之誓言,簡體中文版100頁。
  23. 血龍狂舞章節 14,提利昂。
  24. 烽火危城章節 17,提利昂。
  25. 權力遊戲章節 29,珊莎。
  26. 權力遊戲章節 43,艾德。
  27. 27.0 27.1 烽火危城章節 22,凱特琳。
  28. 劍刃風暴章節 12,提利昂。
  29. 群鴉盛宴章節 12,瑟曦。
  30. 劍刃風暴章節 67,詹姆。
  31. 群鴉盛宴章節 45,山姆威爾。
  32. Game of Thrones RPG
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 群鴉盛宴章節 13,污點騎士。
  34. 群鴉盛宴章節 40,高塔上的公主。
  35. 權力遊戲章節 48,瓊恩。
  36. 血龍狂舞章節 3,瓊恩。
  37. 權力遊戲章節 4,艾德。
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 群鴉盛宴章節 41,雅萊恩。
  39. 39.0 39.1 權力遊戲章節 34,凱特琳。
  40. 權力遊戲章節 71,凱特琳。
  41. 權力遊戲章節 53,布蘭。
  42. Duncan the Tall is the youngest known squire in asoiaf, having been a squire from the age of 5 or 6, making 5 years old the minimum age of squires
  43. 權力遊戲章節 32,艾莉亞。
  44. 烽火危城章節 36,提利昂。
  45. 45.0 45.1 劍刃風暴章節 6,珊莎。
  46. 劍刃風暴章節 60,提利昂。
  47. 權力遊戲章節 28,凱特琳。
  48. 群鴉盛宴章節 29,掠奪者。
  49. 烽火危城章節 28,布蘭。
  50. 劍刃風暴章節 9,布蘭。
  51. 劍刃風暴章節 19,提利昂。
  52. 52.0 52.1 群鴉盛宴章節 25,布蕾妮。
  53. 53.0 53.1 劍刃風暴終章
  54. 權力遊戲章節 61,丹妮莉絲。
  55. 劍刃風暴章節 23,丹妮莉絲。
  56. 血龍狂舞章節 43,丹妮莉絲。
  57. 劍刃風暴章節 36,戴佛斯。
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 權力遊戲章節 18,凱特琳。
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 群鴉盛宴章節 2,侍衛隊長。
  60. 60.0 60.1 權力遊戲章節 15,珊莎。
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 劍刃風暴章節 49,凱特琳。
  62. 血龍狂舞章節 24,流亡首相。
  63. 權力遊戲章節 5,瓊恩。
  64. 烽火危城章節 20,提利昂。
  65. 寒冬冽風, Arianne I
  66. 血龍狂舞章節 38,監視者。
  67. 67.0 67.1 67.2 劍刃風暴章節 38,提利昂。
  68. 劍刃風暴章節 70,提利昂。
  69. Lady Olenna and the Tyrells at the Blackwater [1]
  70. 權力遊戲章節 63,凱特琳。
  71. 烽火危城章節 23,瓊恩。
  72. 血龍狂舞,appenix。
  73. 73.0 73.1 群鴉盛宴序章
  74. 74.0 74.1 七王國的騎士劍之誓言
  75. Rickon Stark is still called a babe at the age of 4, making that the known minimum for being a babe
  76. 血龍狂舞章節 33,提利昂。
  77. A World of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide RPG
  78. 烽火危城章節 15,提利昂。
  79. 烽火危城序章
  80. 血龍狂舞章節 6,商人的僕從。
  81. 冰與火的世界app
  82. 劍刃風暴章節 41,瓊恩。
  83. 群鴉盛宴章節 3,瑟曦。