列王的纷争附录中的北方地图(Map of the North)包含了 颈泽以北的所有地理信息。该图由James Sinclair绘制。
- 先民荒冢Barrowlands
- 寒冰湾Bay of Ice
- 海豹湾Bay of Seals
- 熊岛Bear Island
- 明焰湾Blazewater Bay
- 血门Bloody Gate
- 海怪角Cape Kraken
- 雄鹰角Cape of Eagles
- 黑城堡Castle Black
- 深林堡Deepwood Motte
- 东海望Eastwatch-by-the-Sea
- 菲林特之指Flint's Finger
- 大威克岛Great Wyk
- 灰水望Greywater Watch
- 铁群岛Iron Islands
- 铁民湾Ironman's Bay
- 卡霍城Karhold
- 卡林湾Moat Cailin
- 老威克岛Old Wyk
- 派克城Pyke
- 奔流城Riverrun
- 盐矛滩Saltspear
- 海龙角Sea Dragon Point
- 海疆城Seagard
- 斯卡格斯岛Skagos
- 磐石海岸Stony Shore
- 三姐妹群岛Three Sisters
- 托伦方城Torrhen's Square
- 三叉戟河Trident
- 蓝叉河Blue Fork of the Trident
- 绿叉河Green Fork of the Trident
- 红叉河Red Fork of the Trident
- 艾林谷Vale of Arryn
- 白刃河White Knife
- 白港White Harbor
- 寡妇望Widow's Watch
- 临冬城Winterfell
- 狼林Wolfswood
- 咬人湾The Bite
- 恐怖堡The Dreadfort
- 霜雪之牙The Frostfangs
- 溪流地The Rills
- 绝境长城The Wall
- 冰封海岸The Frozen Shore
- 鬼影森林The Haunted Forest
- 末江The Last River
- 影子塔The Shadow Tower
- 颈泽The Neck
- 孪河城The Twins
- 鹰巢城The Eyrie
- 五指半岛The Fingers
- 黄金大道The Goldroad
- 国王大道The Kingsroad
- 玫瑰大道The Roseroad
- 滨海大道The Searoad