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(列王的纷争-章节 5)


尤伦 and his recruits continue north nearing the 神眼湖. They stop at an inn, and 艾莉亚 learns that the wolves in the area have grown bolder, and there is a great pack of hundreds of wolves led by a she-wolf. Arya thinks of 娜梅莉亚, and wonders if her 冰原狼 hates her. Arya leaves the inn and is accosted by the thee criminals chained in the wagon. The Lorathi, who names himself 贾昆·赫加尔, asks her to get him more ale. She notices that the way he talks is similar to Syrio Forel. The other two also start banging for more ale. Biter then lunges at her, but she hits him in the face with her wooden sword. Gendry tells her later that Yoren warned them not to go near those three, but Arya is not afraid. Arya challenges him to a fight, but they are interrupted by Gold Cloaks arriving at the inn, and Arya pulls Gendry down behind a hedge.

The officer says he has a warrant from 皇后 for a certain boy, but Yoren tells him to be gone, that these men are all bound for 长城. According to the law they cannot be touched.

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When the officer draws his sword, Yoren warns him he has thirty men to the gold cloaks five. The recruits then begin to pick up weapons, but Arya doesn’t want anyone dying for her. She reveals herself saying she’s the one they want, but the officer points behind her at Gendry, stating he’s the one they want. Yoren then puts his sword at the throat of the officer and tells them to leave. The gold cloaks depart, but the officer tells Yoren to hurry to the Wall, or they’ll have his head along with the bastard boy’s. Arya doesn’t understand why the Queen wants Gendry, and neither does he. Yoren tells them that from now on if they encounter gold cloaks, the two of them are to ride with all haste to the Wall.


最近编辑:Tommy elf(留言),他已经为维基做了Special:Editcount/Tommy elf次贡献。
版权信息:本文来自冰与火之歌中文维基的列王的纷争-章节 5词条,以CC-BY-SA授权,转载时必须保留此行。(https://asoiaf.fandom.com/zh/wiki/%E5%88%97%E7%8E%8B%E7%9A%84%E7%BA%B7%E4%BA%89-%E7%AB%A0%E8%8A%82_5)
