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列王的纷争-章节 62A Clash of Kings-Chapter 62


Ser Lancel curses Cersei for calling her son back inside the Holdfast, when the king’s face might have rallied the troops. He claims all is lost, and Cersei leaves the room. Sansa watches as Lancel falls to his knees, severely injured. Dontos persuades her to lock herself in her room, and when Sansa arrives at her chambers, she finds Sandor Clegane hiding in the shadows. The Hound, drunk and battered from the fighting, tells her he lost, and that he should have killed Tyrion years ago. Sandor claims he is leaving the city, maybe to head north somewhere. Clegane forces her to look at him, and then tells her, "I could keep you safe…No one would hurt you again, or I’d kill them." He then asks that she sing for him, as she had promised she would. After singing, some instinct makes her cup his cheek with her fingers, and she can feel tears on his cheeks. Sandor strips off his white cloak and leaves her room. Later, Dontos returns to bring her the news—the war is over, King’s Landing has been saved by the Tyrells and Lord Tywin and all their men. Lord Tywin held the right wing, Lord Randyll Tarly the center, and Mace Tyrell commanded the left. Yet it was the vanguard that won the battle, some say led by the ghost of King Renly who slew Ser Guyard Morrigen in single combat.


版权信息:本文来自冰与火之歌中文维基的列王的纷争-章节 62词条,以CC-BY-SA授权,转载时必须保留此行。(https://asoiaf.fandom.com/zh/wiki/%E5%88%97%E7%8E%8B%E7%9A%84%E7%BA%B7%E4%BA%89-%E7%AB%A0%E8%8A%82_62)