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老威克岛的卓鼓家族(House Drumm of Old Wyk)是铁群岛的贵族家族之一,他们的历史可以追溯到至少八百年前。卓鼓家族的封地在老威克岛上,该岛被铁民认为是最神圣的岛屿,也是先民最早的殖民地。

The Drumms hold the title "Lord of Old Wyk", suggesting that they have some type of sovereignty over the whole island and its other houses, such as the Stonehouses.

Neither their arms or their words appear in the text. According to semi-canon sources they blazon their shield with a bone hand, white on red.[1]


The Drumm house owns a Valyrian steel sword called Red Rain, that was taken from knight years ago by Hilmar the Cunning with wits and a wooden cudgel. Due to the name and the color of the sword, it is probable that the sword belonged to House Reyne.

Other famed past members of the house include Dale the Dred, Roryn the Reaver, and Gormond Drumm the Oldfather who sired a hundred sons.

The Drumm House at the end of the third century

The known Drumms during the timespan of the events described on 冰与火之歌 are:





  • When Theon Greyjoy arrives at Pyke, the Damphair tells him Dagmer Cleftjaw has gone to Old Wyk to summon the Stonehouses and the Drumms.
  • Andrik the Unsmiling, a man serving the Drumms, is considered the strongest man from the Iron Islands.
  • Lord Drumm's ship, Thunderer, was spotted by Victarion Greyjoy on Old Wyk's shores for the kingsmoot.
  • Lord Dunstan Drumm claimed the Seastone Chair for himself at the kingsmoot, his champions being his sons Denys and Donnel and Andrik the Unsmiling.
  • The Damphair thought that their champions were notable and he started speaking well. However, he fact that he talked too much of his family's past glories, and that the contents of his chests only contained bronze diminished his support.
  • Lord Dunstan Drumm wore Red Rain during the kingsmoot.
  • Victarion saw Rodrik Harlaw, Gorold Goodbrother and Dunstan Drumm talking at the yard of Oakenshield. Probably the three were sharing their fear of a Tyrell reprisal.[2]
  • Euron Greyjoy named Andrik the Unsmiling lord of Southshield after the conquest of the Shield Islands, a move that was understood by Victarion as a strategy of depriving the Drumm of his strong right hand.[2]


  1. The Citadel. Heraldry: Houses on the Iron Islands
  2. 2.0 2.1 群鸦的盛宴, 章节 29, the Reaver
