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无垢者的战斗编制类似于轻步兵。他们的装备包括短剑、盾牌、长矛以及尖刺盔。无垢者不知恐惧为何物,并且绝对服从命令。精英化以及高强度的训练使他们成为最为有效的战斗单位。无垢者没有骑兵。 {{Ref|aSoS|8}}
They fight in formation as light infantry, equipped with short spears, swords, round shields, and distinctive spiked caps. They fight fearlessly and obey without question. Their elite, highly specialized training makes them most effective in their phalanx formation.
They do not ride horses. {{Ref|aSoS|8}}
Unsullied uniform are plain and without ornament, quilted tunic, a short sword, three spears and spiked bronze caps. One spike indicates a low rank, while three spikes going from front to back represent an officer.<ref>[http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/1247/ SSM]</ref>
无垢者的装束上没有任何装饰品。缝制的束腰外衣、短剑、三支长矛、盾牌和尖刺盔就是全部。尖刺盔上的尖刺越多表示佩戴者的级别越高。一根尖刺表示普通士兵,三根尖刺则表示高级军官。<ref>[http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/1247/ SSM]</ref>

2012年4月28日 (六) 12:39的版本

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无垢者是被阉割过的奴隶战士,他们从小在阿斯塔波接受训练,特征是绝对服从主人和面对战争无所畏惧。在自由贸易城邦他们被广泛用作警卫。他们论一百或一千卖。他们是出色的警卫,从不抢劫或强奸。[1] 他们有自己独有的信仰和女神,他们将女神的实名保守为秘密,外人则称其为the Lady of Spears,the Bride of Battle and the Mother of Hosts.



人们选出年轻、速度较快和力量较强的男性奴隶,把他们训练成无垢者。训练过程非常残酷,不仅要教导他们如何战斗,而且要抹去他们所有的个性、情感和自我。他们被完全地阉割,阴茎和睾丸全部被切除,男子汉气概也在the Lady of Spears的神坛烧成了灰烬。他们定期服用勇气之酒来减灭痛感。他们每天以从一个桶里随机抽取名牌的方式来决定他们这一天的名字。每个名牌上分别写有两个词,一表示颜色一个表示虫子,比如“灰色蠕虫”。只要有一种训练失败,奴隶就会被杀死。最终只有三分之一的奴隶能够坚持到底成为无垢者。[1]

在一个男孩被阉割的那天,他会得到一只小狗来抚养。在第一年训练的最后时期,男孩必须掐死这只小狗。如果他做不到,他就会被杀死,尸体也成为狗的饲料。在负重跑步一整天、夜间攀岩、走过燃烧的木炭等训练的过程中,一旦失败就会被剔除。最后为了得到无垢者的spiked cap,他们必须戴着银色面具来到奴隶市场,买下一个新生儿并在它妈妈面前杀掉它,并向新生儿的奴隶主赔偿他的损失.[1]


无垢者的战斗编制类似于轻步兵。他们的装备包括短剑、盾牌、长矛以及尖刺盔。无垢者不知恐惧为何物,并且绝对服从命令。精英化以及高强度的训练使他们成为最为有效的战斗单位。无垢者没有骑兵。 [2]




Daenerys Targaryen purchased every Unsullied in Astapor and then freed them all. They joined her army and followed her first command which was to kill all the slaveholders in Astapor. Daenerys, frees them, let them nominate their own officers and eliminated the custom of taking new names every day. The Unsullied choose Grey Worm as commander, Hero is second in command and many choose to go back to their old names from before they were cut. [4]


Several Unsullied soldiers are murdered by the Sons of the Harpy. When Daenerys Targaryen disappears on Drogons back, her new husband Hizdahr zo Loraq attempts to gain control of the Unsullied but they refuse to obey him. Ser Barristan Selmy however was able to convince them to follow him if the Yunkai should attack Meereen.

Real life Influence

The Unsullied are most likelly fashioned after the soldiers of antiquity, most probably the Greek hoplites or Roman legionnaires. They're well equipped with spears, shortswords and shields, and are highly disciplined, drilled and trained, just like a Roman legionnaire. We're also told that they build field fortifications or entrenchments while on the march, an attribute which the Roman army also had a passion for.

They fight in either packed phalanx- or in superior, loose cohort-formations ("lockstep formations of the Old Empire"). Roman cohort-formations provided more space for maneuver and were consequently more flexible and responsive. This battle formation allowed the soldiers to take better advantage of their primary weapon, the shortsword (the Greeks relied on spears), and made them less vulnerable to flank attacks. During battle, they used to throw pilums (javelins) before closing in with shortswords and shield.

The Roman army is also well-known for its administrative organization, but the organization of the Unsullied seems far less sophisticated in comparison. The buyer is supposed to integrate the troops into their own military organization and doctrine, and has to set his own officers over them. But in each unit (Unsullied are sold by the hundreds or thousands) there are probably several lower-ranked officers or instructors who are sold together with their unit, in order to preserve the integrity of the group.[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 冰雨的风暴章节 23,丹妮莉丝。
  2. 2.0 2.1 冰雨的风暴章节 8,丹妮莉丝。
  3. SSM
  4. 冰雨的风暴章节 42,丹妮莉丝。
  5. Digital attic