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C21023留言) 2013年3月16日 (六) 11:41 (UTC)










  • 黑墙,黑墙是由浇熔在一起的黑色石块建成的两百尺高地椭圆形城墙。当瓦兰提斯不过是自由堡垒的一个前哨站时,由瓦雷利亚人所建造。城墙极厚,足以使六辆四匹马所拉的马车并排前行。为了庆祝瓦兰提斯的建城日,每年都会举行六辆马车并排赛跑的仪式。黑墙里的居民自称“古老血脉”,因为他们的祖先可以追溯到古瓦雷利亚时代,外地人丶自由人或外国人都不允许进入黑墙以内,除非住在里面的居民邀请他们。[6]
  • 拉赫洛神庙,瓦兰提斯的拉赫洛神庙是一个巨大的建筑,它的梁柱丶台阶丶墙壁丶拱顶丶高塔和塔之间的空中走廊完美的连接在一起就好像整座建筑是由一块巨石挖空而造。上百种色调,红色丶黄色丶金色丶橙色,在神庙的墙上彼此渗入就好像日落时的云朵。细长的尖塔彼此缠绕,旋转上升,冻结的火焰像是在触摸天空。神庙大约有君临贝勒大圣堂的三倍大。在神庙建起来之前,这里原本是大广场。神庙拥有自己的武装,被称为燃烧之手
  • 商人之屋,瓦兰提斯最好的酒馆,一个四层楼的庞然大物,俯临周围的码头丶船埠和仓库。它的大厅比维斯特洛大多数城堡的大厅都要大,中间的庭院铺着石板路,种植着许多葡萄架,周围的凉亭和洞穴让大厅看起来像个迷宫一样。它的房间都有非常坚固的锁。
  • 长桥,横跨洛恩河口的长桥将瓦兰提斯的两个城区连接在一起。桥的跨度极长,由巨大的桥墩支撑,平坦仿佛大路,由瓦雷利亚人在他们鼎盛时期所建造。两端的入口是黑色巨石建造的拱门,门上雕刻着斯芬克斯丶狮身蝎尾兽丶和其他的怪兽。桥面足以供两辆四轮马车并排通过。长桥两边建起了各式各样的建筑,你可以在这里买到几乎任何东西。在桥中间,盗贼的双手和犯人的头颅被插在长矛上示众。





  • 虎党的马拉乔
  • 象党的奈西索
  • 象党的多法斯






在平民百姓中,纹身非常普遍。据半官方的消息,自由公民会用纹身来彰显自己的战斗中的武勇或是作为功绩的纪念。[10] 奴隶主们也常给自己的奴隶纹身防止他们逃跑,用不同的纹身区分奴隶的用途:双颊上的眼泪纹身代表了性奴,火焰则代表拉赫洛的奴隶,城市守卫的双颊纹着老虎斑纹,清理粪便的奴隶则纹着苍蝇等等。双颊纹着虎纹的奴隶卫队被称为Tiger Cloaks








Marc Fishman the triarch

Many of the statues in Volantis lack heads - by Marc Fishman ©

After capturing Tyrion in the brothel in Selhorys Ser Jorah Mormont heads for Volantis, with the intent to gain sea passage to Meereen.

在Selhorys的 妓院里抓住了 提利昂后,乔拉.莫尔蒙 爵士去向瓦兰提斯,打算从那经水路到弥林。

Tyrion’s impressions of Volantis during his POV give a good account of the city.[1] On the day of their arrival it is the third day of the Volantene elections. Dusk is falling. Tyrion and his captor Ser Jorah enter the city through the northern gate, passing beneath the city’s massive walls. 提利昂在他的POV中的对瓦蓝提斯的印象算是对这个城市很好的描述。他们到瓦兰提斯那天整好是瓦兰提斯 人选举的第三日。这时黄昏降临。提利昂和抓扑他的乔拉.莫尔蒙 爵士通过城内重重的城墙从北门进入城中。

Inside the city they ride past guildhalls, markets, and bathhouses. Fountains splash and sing in the centers of wide squares, where men sit at stone tables, moving cyvasse pieces and sipping wine from glass flutes as slaves light ornate lanterns to hold the dark at bay. Palms and cedars grow along the cobbled road, and monuments stand at every junction. Many of the statues lack heads, yet even headless Tyrion thinks that they still manage to look imposing in the purple dusk. 城内,他们骑着马经过会馆,市场,和澡堂。喷泉在宽阔的广场中心喷出泉水而且清鸣,那里人们坐在石 桌上,动着cyvasse碎片,从长笛般的玻璃杯中和酒,奴隶们则点亮向导灯笼来把海湾里的黑暗驱除。 棕榈树和香柏木种在鹅卵石铺就的路面两旁,纪念碑矗立在每一个路口。很多雕像没有头,但即便没有头, 提利昂还是觉得他们在紫色的黄昏中看起来很雄伟。

As Ser Jorah’s warhorse plods south along the river, the shops grow smaller and meaner, the trees along the street become a row of stumps. Cobblestones give way to devilgrass beneath their horse’s hooves, then to soft wet mud the colour of baby’s nightsoil. The little bridges that span the small streams that feed the Rhoyne creak alarmingly beneath their weight.

Where a fort once overlooked the river now stands a broken gate, gaping open like a man’s toothless mouth. Goats can be glimpsed peering over the parapets.

Tyrion recalls what he knows of Old Volantis - revealing that it is a city in decline:

Old Volantis first daughter of Valyria, Proud Volantis, queen of the Rhoyne and mistress of the Summer Sea, home to noble lords and lovely ladies of Valyria the most ancient blood.[1]

Never mind the packs of naked children that roamed the alleys screaming in shrill voiced, or the bravos standing in the doors of wineshops fingering their sword hilts, or the slaves with their bent backs and tattooed faces who scurried everywhere like cockroaches.

Mighty Volantis, grandest and most populous of the Nine Free Cities.[1]

Ancient wars had depopulated much of the city, however large areas of Volantis have begun to sink back into the mud on which it stands.

Beautiful Volantis, city of fountains and flowers.[1]

But half the fountains are dry, half the pools cracked and stagnant. Flowering vines send up creepers from every crack in the wall or pavement, and young trees have taken root in the walls of abandoned shops and roofless temples.

And then Tyrion notes there is the smell. It hangs in the hot humid air, rich, rank, pervasive. There’s fish in it, and flowers, and some elephant dung as well. Something sweet and something dead and rotten. He announces to his captor Ser Jorah:

This city smells like an old whore … Like some sagging slattern who has drenched her privy parts in perfume to drown the stench between her legs.[1]

Farther south, signs of prosperity do begin to reappear. Abandoned buildings are seen less often, the naked children vanish, the bravos in the doorways seem more sumptuously dressed. A few of the inns they pass actually look like places where a man might sleep without fear of having his throat slit. Lanterns swing from iron stanchions along the river road, swaying when the wind blows.

The streets grow broader, the buildings more imposing. Some are topped with great domes of coloured glass. In the gathering dusk, with fires lit beneath them, the domes glow blue and red and green and purple. Even so there is something in the air that makes Tyrion uneasy. West of the Rhoyne, he knows, the wharves of Volantis team with sailors, slaves, and traders, and the wineshops, inns, and brothels all cater to them. East of the river however, strangers from across the seas are seen less seldom. We are not wanted here Tyrion realises.

As they draw closer to the Black Wall and the crowded districts near the Long Bridge, they see a dozen elephants. They slow to a crawl; the river road is thick with traffic, almost all of it flowing south. Tyrion eyes the passing throngs as notes that nine men of every ten bare slave marks on their cheeks. The slaves are on their way to hear Benerro speak.

Three blocks later the street opens up before them onto a huge torch lit plaza and there stands the Temple of the Lord of Light. Tyrion is stunned by its enormity and thinks the temple has to be at least three times the size of the Great Sept of Baelor. Ser Jorah forces their way through most of the press of the crowd at the back of the plaza and they enter an alley, leaving the crowd behind them, making their way to a stable. At the stable Jorah sells his horse and has Tyrion fitted with iron fetters.

The rest of the journey they make on foot. Tyrion notes that Volantis straddles one mouth of the Rhoyne where the river kisses the sea, its two halves joined by the Long Bridge. The oldest richest part of the city is east of the river, but sellswords, barbarians, and other uncouth outlanders are not welcome there, so they must needs cross over to the west. Tyrion and Ser Joran cross to the westside via the Long Bridge.





乔拉·莫尔蒙爵士将提利昂·兰尼斯特抓做俘虏,并在Merchant's House水边寡妇相见安排他们去弥林的旅程。在那儿,分妮攻击了提利昂。在寡妇的建议下,乔拉在塞斯拉·科荷兰号,红袍僧[[马克罗]]所要搭乘的去弥林的船上为他自己,提利昂和分妮订了位置。而后塞斯拉·科荷兰号启程前往弥林。

While stopping in Volantis Victarion Greyjoy sees galleys heading to Slaver's Bay taking on provisions. The whole city had seemed drunk. Sailors and soldiers and tinkers had been observed dancing in the streets with nobles and fat merchants, and in every inn and winesink cups were being raised to the new triarchs. All the talk had been of the gold and gems and slaves that would flood into Volantis once the dragon queen was dead.[13]

Victarion thinks to himself that the storms the Iron Fleet encountered will have scattered the Volantenes even as they had his own ships and if fortune smiled, many of their warships might have sunk or run aground. But not all, the green galleys that survived by now could well have sailed around Valyria. They will be sweeping north toward Meereen and Yunkai, great dromonds of war teeming with slave soldiers. Victarion reckons than if the Storm God has spared them, by now they could be in the Gulf of Grief 300 ships, perhaps as many as 500.[13]

Later, in Meereen the Shavepate gives Ser Barristan Selmy the dread news that Volantis has launched its fleet against Daenerys Targaryen, and that Hizdahr means to open Meereen's gates for them. [14]


I hate this city. [6]

- Ser Gerris Drinkwater


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 魔龙的狂舞章节 27,提利昂。
  2. 2.0 2.1 魔龙的狂舞章节 14,提利昂。
  3. 魔龙的狂舞自由贸易城邦地图
  4. 4.0 4.1 魔龙的狂舞章节 5,提利昂。
  5. 魔龙的狂舞章节 16,丹妮莉丝。
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 魔龙的狂舞章节 6,商人的仆从。
  7. 魔龙的狂舞章节 1,提利昂。
  8. 权力的游戏章节 54,丹妮莉丝。
  9. 冰雨的风暴章节 36,戴佛斯。
  10. 权力的游戏 RPG and Resource Book, Guardians of Order
  11. 群鸦的盛宴章节 13,污点骑士。
  12. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为ReferenceB的引用提供文字
  13. 13.0 13.1 魔龙的狂舞章节 56,铁岛求婚者。
  14. 魔龙的狂舞章节 55,女王铁卫。