800px-Harenhal by MarcSimonetti

Harrenhall by MarcSimonetti ©

The Riverlands and the location of Harrenhal
The Riverlands and the location of Harrenhal
The Riverlands and the location of Harrenhal










  • 恐怖塔
  • 寡妇塔,通过一座石桥与焚王塔相连。底部是一间用来关押犯人的巨大牢房。
  • 号哭塔,底层有储藏室,下方是巨大的地窖。
  • 厉鬼塔,后面与圣堂的废墟坐落在其附近。
  • 焚王塔,城主的房间位于此。通过一座石桥与寡妇塔相连。


  • 大门,通过大门,城墙之厚以至于需要穿越至少一打的杀人洞才能到达另一边的院子。
  • 东门,比中门小,位于厉鬼塔附近。


  • 百炉厅,是城堡大厅的名字,而事实上只有大约34或者35个炉子,据说能容纳一整只军队[1]。地板是由光滑的石板铺成,有通向上方两个走廊的楼梯。
  • 厨房,位于一个圆形的石质建筑内,有一个半球形的屋顶。整座建筑都是厨房。跟临冬城的大厅一样大。[1]
  • 兵营大厅,位于军械库上方,为士兵们用餐场所[1]
  • 军械库,位于兵营大厅下方,锻炉所在的位置。
  • 神木林,被围墙围住的占地超过二十亩,有一条小溪从中流过,心树似乎有一个充满仇恨的面庞,有个扭曲的嘴和一双燃烧的眼睛。位于兵营大厅和军械库之后。
  • 流石庭院',士兵和骑士们习武以及他们的侍从清理武器和装甲的地方。有着凹凸不平的地面,位于号哭塔附近。有一座封闭的走廊在流石庭院上方,以及一个正对着其的拱门[1][2]
  • '熊坑’,十码宽,五码深,石头墙壁,沙子地面,周围有六圈大理石长凳[2]。位于城堡的中部。
  • 浴室,一间屋顶低矮的房间,布满了巨大的石管道。自由贸易城邦风格的浴室可以容纳六七个人。[3]浴室是由石头和木材建成,只有一个入口[4]



Harrenhall by crisurdiales

Harrenhall by Cris Urdiales ©

Harren the Black, King of the Iron Islands and the Riverlands, built Harrenhal as a monument to himself, intending it to be the greatest of all castles in Westeros and for it to dwarf any other. The construction of his dream took forty years. Thousands of captives from the other realms died in the quarries chained to sledges or laboring on the five huge towers. Weirwoods were cut down to provide rafters and beams.

Upon its completion, King Harren boasted that his new fortress was impregnable, and it was. However, he didn't account for Aegon the Conqueror and his dragons invading Westeros. The dragons were not obstructed by high walls and forbidding towers and roasted Harren alive in the tallest of the towers, now known as the Kingspyre. Due to the extreme heat, the castle took on a charred, melted appearance.[5]


Since the Conquest, the castle has become something of a white elephant. It is too big to garrison effectively and too expensive to maintain. Since Harren's death, the castle has passed through a number of noble houses, Every one of them met with misfortune.

It is believed the castle is cursed and haunted due to Harren's hubris and the horrors that have occurred within the castle's walls. It's said Harren was mixing human blood into the mortar for the stonework.[4] The curse is thought to prevent any Lord from holding Harrenhal indefinitely. All the Houses ever to hold Harrenhal have died out.

List of extinct Noble houses, who held Harrenhal after Harren, in order:


During the early stages of the War of the Five Kings, Lady Whent yielded Harrenhal to Lord Tywin Lannister, who held it with his own troops. Officially, Cersei Lannister granted the castle to Janos Slynt in return for his service. Tyrion Lannister, acting as Hand, revoked the title and sent Slynt to the Wall. Later, Tywin Lannister gave the castle instead to Petyr Baelish for his role in securing the marriage pact between the Lannisters and Tyrells. Baelish has retained official title to the castle ever since. Though he has never set foot within his walls, the castle's large dominion elevated Petyr's social position enough to marry Lysa Tully.

In truth, however, the castle was seized several times throughout the war and harbored a number of atrocities. Tywin Lannister's garrison included bannermen lead by Ser Amory Lorch and Ser Gregor Clegane. They were bolstered by the Brave Companions mercenary company. All three groups had cut bloody swaths across the land to reach Harrenhal. The men treated the smallfolk of the castle cruelly. Lorch's men and the Brave Companions feuded, resulting in more deaths. Tywin left, leaving Lorch as castellan. Arya Stark, who had been hiding at the castle, convinced Jaqen H'ghar to help her free the castle's northern prisoners and revolt against the Lannisters. The Brave Companions butchered the Lannister bannermen and all who were loyal to them, then handed the castle to Lord Roose Bolton.

Roose ruled over Harrenhal for only a short time. Vargo Hoat suspected that Roose would switch sides to the Lannisters, and maimed his captive Ser Jaime Lannister in an attempt to prevent this. The ruse failed, and the northern men abandoned the castle, leaving it to the Brave Companions. With Lannister reprisal dangling over their heads, the Companions indulged in wanton sadism and kept the castle's bearpit well-stocked with victims. Eventually Ser Gregor Clegane's men returned to the castle and butchered the mercenaries who had not already fled. Clegane left to participate in the trial-by-combat of Tyrion Lannister, and Ser Jaime Lannister returned to take control. He cleared out Clegane's men and replaced the garrison with the pious regiment known as the Holy Hundred, lead by Ser Bonifer Hasty.

Harrenhal's reputation for being cursed might be well founded as many of the lords knights who recently commanded or garrisoned the castle came to horrific ends.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 列王的纷争章节 30,艾莉亚。
  2. 2.0 2.1 冰雨的风暴章节 44,詹姆。
  3. 冰雨的风暴章节 37,詹姆。
  4. 4.0 4.1 列王的纷争章节 26,艾莉亚。
  5. 列王的纷争章节 7,凯特琳。