
铁种,又称铁民,是维斯特洛大陆西海岸外铁群岛的原住民。 铁民是一支好斗的海上民族,他们曾拥有无以伦比的海上优势,并有着劫掠东方和南方内陆的黑暗传统,这给他们带来的恶名一直流传到了今天。铁民女人可以像男人一样战斗,一样登上长船四处劫掠,甚至当上船长指挥她们自己的船。人们都说是大海给了她们男人一样的欲望。派克是铁群岛的私生子姓氏。



The Iron Islands were settled by the First Men many thousands of years ago. Somewhat isolated from the rest of Westeros, they did not take up the worship of the Old Gods of the Forest, instead creating their own religion based around the Drowned God and the Seastone Chair, which they allegedly found already standing on the shores of Old Wyk when they arrived. When the Andals overran Westeros and conquered the Iron Islands, they intermingled with the natives. Whilst a few locals converted to the Faith of the Seven, it did not fully take hold and worship of the Drowned God continued.

Under the rule of House Hoare, the ironborn reached the zenith of their power approximately four centuries ago. They ruled over the Riverlands and much of the western coast of Westeros. After the War of Conquest the ironborn were thrown back to their islands. With Harren the Black and all his line extinguished. The Ironborne was subjects of the Seven Kingdoms and the kings peace for almsot three hundred years, untill nine years after the War of the Usurper, that they revolted in an attempt to restore the Old Ways.

The Old Ways

详情请阅读:Old Way

The Old Ways, are still highly regarded on the Iron Islands. The Old Way embodies the remembered values of a culture based on raiding. A man’s worth was judged primarily on his skill as a raider, as evidenced in the surviving practice regarding jewellery. Men on the Iron Islands wear no tokens unless they have “paid the iron price,” i.e. not bought or bartered, only won by combat and taken from their fallen foes.

During raids, the ironborn also took captives. Many of their captives would work as thralls, slaving away on the farms and mines of the Iron Islands since the true sons of the Iron Islands are meant for more than such drudgery. Women were also taken captive to act as bed warmers; a man could have several “salt wives” but only one true ironborn wife, his “rock wife”.


详情请阅读:Drowned God

The Ironborn religion predates the Andal Invasion. Its sole deity is the Drowned God, who dwells beneath the oceans and created the Ironmen to rape, reave and carve out kingdoms. The clergy of the Drowned God are the Drowned Men.


  • Ironborn shall not spill the blood of Ironborn.
  • Finger dance, is a common and dangerous game played between the Ironborn.