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格拉茨旦·卡拉勒, the Green Grace, appears before Daenerys to offer once more the suggestion that she marry. She suggests as a suitor 西茨达拉·佐·洛拉克, who is waiting for her summons. Dany agrees to speak with him, and though neither of them love nor even express much physical attraction to one another, Hizdahr promises to put an end to the attacks by the 鹰身女妖之子. Dany tasks him with ninety days in which she does not want a single attack as demonstration of Hizdahr's promise. If he succeeds, Dany agrees that she may accept his wedding proposal. After he leaves, 巴利斯坦·赛尔弥 expresses his disapproval, but Dany believes that she still has ninety days to figure out another plan, to see if Hizdahr can prevent the attacks, and if he can she will marry him out of duty to her people.

Ser Barristan tells hers that during her assembly with the Green Grace, 达里奥·纳哈里斯 has returned. Dany commands to see him at once, overcome with lust. Despite her growing passion, during the meeting Daario upsets her with his barbaric suggestions as solutions to her problems and she sends him away. Dany tells Barristan to forbid Daario from meeting with her directly ever again, but regrets her decision almost immediately.




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