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  • POV人物: 小说是由主要人物各自的视角书写的(包括艾德、布兰、丹妮莉丝、艾莉亚、珊莎、提利昂、琼恩、凯特琳),电视剧也运用了相似的结构。为使每一幕都变得更鲜活,剧中还增加了一些书中没有直接描述,或是经由他人章节讲述的背景故事,此亦作为原著读者某些猜想的旁证。唯一不同的是书中的序章,其叙述的视角不来自于主要人物。
  • 出场角色: 编剧呆逼威斯说,有一些演员和剧中的人物长相天差地别,比如说演阿莎的演员(阿莎在剧中被改名为雅拉,以避免和欧莎混淆),她长得一点也不想书里描写的那个阿莎,但是她的表演如此完美,换成任何其他人几乎都无法做到。另外,为了与丹妮莉丝的年龄配合,孩子们也比书中年长了几岁,丹尼的演员必须年长到足够与卡奥卓戈演床戏。(事实上,漫画书出版商担心触碰儿童色情法令,因此改编了丹妮和卓戈的桥段。)
  • 异鬼(the Others)/白鬼(Wight Walkers): 尽管书中老奶妈的故事中也提到过好几次“白鬼”,在原著中异鬼的提法比白鬼更加普遍。剧中没有使用异鬼的说法,可能是为了避免与他们的部下尸鬼(wights),以及剧集“迷失”中的同名物种混淆。




  • 史塔克家族的孩子罗柏琼恩都是17岁,原著中为15岁;布兰从7岁变成了10岁,瑞肯的年龄从3岁增加到6岁;珊莎13岁,比原著中长了2岁;而艾莉亚也成了11岁,原著里是9岁。
  • 王族的孩子们年纪也增长了:乔佛里从13岁变成了16岁,弥赛菈从8岁变成了12岁,托曼从6岁变成了10岁。丹妮莉丝从13岁变成了16岁。


  • ​一段萝丝和提利昂的床戏,为了直接引出提利昂。这小恶魔可算得上英俊,书中他是畸形的侏儒——双眼一黑一碧,头发金亮成白。
  • 一段介绍丹妮莉丝、卓戈和乔拉爵士的戏。在书中,艾德史塔克得知琼恩艾林死讯的时候提起了她。
  • 引出珊莎和凯特琳夫人的一场戏,在书中珊莎是在他们去君临的路上出场的。
  • 序章:威玛罗伊爵士被出其不意地杀死了,在书中是被异鬼干掉。另外最后逃出来的是威尔,然后他被艾德史塔克斩首,书中则是盖瑞
  • 艾莉亚出场的时候就是射箭很准,然而在书里她连弓都不会拿,希望哪天有机会能学。
  • 琼恩雪诺因为身份原因没有参加宴席,在外面练剑的时候碰到了班扬叔叔。
  • 收到莱莎的消息后,凯特琳阻止奶德南下做国王之手;而在书中她敦促他去君临调查真相。
  • 书中,布兰在塔里发现瑟曦和詹姆的时候他俩都裸着,在剧里他们都穿着衣服。
  • 萝丝的名字在书中没有被提及,她可能是被提到过的“红发妓女”。


  • 瑟曦去布兰的房间拜访凯特琳,说起她的第一个孩子。在书里则没有这个场景,也没有证据表明她曾和老伯有过孩子。可能这幕场景是为了让瑟曦更人性化一点。
  • 凯特琳在旧塔里发现了一根金色的头发,这导致她在瓦雷利亚匕首被指认之前就怀疑兰尼斯特与布兰的事故有关。
  • ​乔拉爵士和韦赛里斯王子讨论奴隶制的一幕戏。
  • 詹姆和琼恩的一段戏,他们谈到守夜人,当时铁匠正在制作缝衣针。
  • The questioning scene following Joffrey being attack by Arya direwolf, happened at the Crossroads Inn, instead Castle Darry as in the books.


  • 艾德和詹姆的对话,在红堡,詹姆当时解释了他被称作弑君者的原因。
  • 瑟曦皇后教育乔佛里王子的一段对话,关于什么是国王。
  • 另有一幕场景提供了许多关于劳勃和巴利斯坦与詹姆的背景信息。
  • 提利昂从守夜人新兵的拳下解救了琼恩;在书中是黑城堡的铁匠唐纳诺伊帮助了他。
  • 凯特琳和罗德里克爵士经由国王大道到达君临;书中他们乘坐白港开出的船,赶在艾德之前到达。


  • 韦赛里斯和多莉亚共浴,讲述龙的故事的一场戏。大部分龙的名字都是瞎编的,只有伊耿和他妹妹的三条龙不是。
  • 茉丹修女和珊莎谈论珊莎的未来、乔佛里王子和铁王座。
  • 布兰兹临冬城墓窖门口遇见了三眼乌鸦。
  • 奈德和瑟曦的对手戏,瑟曦暗示奈德该走了,她还说逼他做出杀狼这种极端的行为是为了孩子们的安全。
  • 首相的比武大会比书中短得多。
  • 小指头告诉珊莎猎狗和他哥哥的故事;书里是猎狗自己说的,许多读者都认为这是猎狗和珊莎感情的开始。
  • 詹德利和史塔克孩子一样年龄比书中大,他20岁了,书中16岁。
  • 艾里沙爵士叫山姆“猪小姐”;书里用过一次“猪爵士”。


  • 洛拉斯爵士和蓝礼搞基的场景,明确表示了他们二人是情人关系;书中只是微微暗示了一下。
  • 一段席恩和萝丝的床戏,为了引出葛雷乔伊家族的背景故事。
  • 劳勃艾林的名字被改成了罗宾艾林,可能是为了避免与国王劳勃拜拉席恩混淆。
  • 原著莎塔雅的妓院中发生了很多重大事件,剧里没有出现,妓院也变成了小指头的。
  • 奈德和詹姆交战了,这可能是为了使场面更刺激;书里是奈德从马上落下来。


  • A scene, involving Syrio and Arya, coining the phrase "Not today".
  • A scene, involving Viserys and Jorah, Viserys tries to steal Dany dragon eggs, until Jorah stops him. Viserys suggests that Jorah is in love with Daenerys, a fact that is never discussed or considered by Dany prior to the second novel.


  • Tomard, one of the guards at Winterfell, is sent to Dragonstone with a letter informing Stannis Baratheon that his brother has no rightful heirs, making him next in line to succession. In the books, Eddard attempted to send a letter to Lord Stannis but the letter never leaves King's Landing. Stannis sends his letters based on his investigation with Jon Arryn, rather than a message from Stark as in the show.


  • A scene, in which they wights are burned, with some new information and events that possibly could have happened in the books but never did.


  • A scene, in which Tyrion play games with Shae and Bronn, providing us background info on all of them.
  • Shae is not common-born and was made more subtle and mysterious character.
  • In the books, when Ser Barristan Selmy is dismissed from the Kingsguard he announces that he will search for the rightful heir. He later kills two members of the city watch when they attempt to detain him for questioning.
  • In the books Robb sent the Green Fork, approximately 16,000 men against the Lannister 20,000. Instead the show 2,000 vs 30,000 suicidal rate. Later at the whispering woods he captures Ser Jaime unawares with a small detachment and then continues to hit the main Lannister force split between three camps. Instead of defeating Ser Jaime's and the majority of the Lannister host in open battle as in the show.


  • A scene, between Catelyn with Robb following the news of Eddard’s death, showing them grieving.
  • A scene, between Littlefinger with Varys, to show their animosity toward each other.
  • A sex scene, between Pycelle with Ros, providing information about past kings.
  • Catelyn Stark become a dutiful supporter of her son and thirst for vengeance, instead of playing the role of the mother thinking first of her daughters suffering the emotional cost in silence, as she goes at her duty.
  • Marillion loose his tongue after preforming before King Joffrey, in the book it was an unnamed singer and Marillion continues to appear in the rest of the series. Its unlikely that he will make appearance in the show now.
  • Daenerys is as naked as in the novel, although her hair wasn't burnt away, presumably to make her prettier for the camera.


These differences can be found between the second season of TV series and the second book "列王的纷争" of the Song of Ice and Fire.

  • Neither Robb Stark nor Jaime Lannister is a point of view character in the book 列王的纷争.
  • Asha Greyjoy, sister to Theon had been renamed Yara Greyjoy, to reduce confusion with Osha, the wildling captured in Season 1.
  • Salladhor Saan has had a race change from being described as "tan" in the books to black.


Extra scenes were added to give some backstory
  • A scene, between Robb and Jaime, just before he dictates terms to the lannisters.
  • In the books, after greeting Joffrey at the joust, Tyrion inspects the walls of King's Landing where Joffrey has mounted the heads of Eddard Stark and his household. Tyrion's first act as Hand is to order them taken down.
  • Tyrion replaces Janos Slynt with Bronn, instead another officer of the City Watch, Ser Jacelyn Bywater, as in the books, to simplify the plot.
  • In the book Ser Dontos the Red was indeed drunk, but it was joust not a melee and he was chasing his horse, wearing only his breastplate and helm with his "manhood" flopping around.

In the books

  • Daenarys leading her khalasar into The Red Waste to avoid the khalasar, in the book, she follow the red comet. Her horse, Silver, dies in the show , but lives in the book long past this point.
  • Melisandre's and Stannis' physical relationship is never shown/discussed in 列王的纷争, it might be interpreted later on. Stannis's wife haven't made an appearance and his daughter, Shireen, and her fool, Patchface seem to be dropped off.
  • Nights Watch ranging starts with their arrival at Craster's Keep, skipping few events from the books.



  • The Tickler's role is greatly reduced. In the show, Arya chooses the Tickler as Jaqen H'ghar's first victim. In the novel, Arya kills him herself at a later point in the story.




  • In the novel, Jon Snow cannot bring himself to kill the wildling Ygritte, lowers his sword and lets her go. In the show, he swings the sword but misses her on purpose she then tangles with him and escapes. Jon follows her, recaptures her, but somehow mange to get separated from the other Rangers.
  • In the show as the two Reed children were cut off from the plot all together.
  • In the show, Daenerys' dragons are taken from her in Qarth and many of her followers are killed. In the books, it never happens she sets out to the House of the Undying to learn about her fate, not to look for her dragons.
  • In the show, Osha comes to Theon bed chamber and seduces him. While in the books she impresses him with her skills in disarming one of his man and yielding a spear.(she is a spear wife)


Extra scenes were added to give some backstory
  • A scene, between Tyrion and Cersei, where Cersei confides in Tyrion about her worries about her son's personality and sanity, who feels bad for his sister in a rare moment of truth and honesty, very rare as Cersei confiding in Tyrion is not very likelly event in the books.



Valar Morghulis


See also westeros analysis of the Episodes.


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