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家 | |
第6季, 第2集 | |
上映日期 | 2016/05/01 |
编剧 | David Benioff D.B. Weiss |
导演 | Jeremy Podeswa |
相关剧集 | |
上一集 "红袍女" |
下一集 "背誓者" |
"家"是HBO播出的权利的游戏第六季中的第二集,于2016年5月1日上映。本集由大卫·贝尼奥夫和D·B·韦斯编剧,由Jeremy Podeswa导演。
布兰·史塔克继续在树里接受三眼乌鸦的训练,他梦到了临冬城。在梦里,他看见自己的父亲艾德·史塔克和叔叔班扬·史塔克在院子中和其他小男孩在一起进行操练。他还看见了他的姑妈莱安娜·史塔克和阿多。阿多是会讲话的。虽然布兰希望在梦里待得久一点,他还是被三眼乌鸦弄醒。三眼乌鸦告诉他如果在梦境里待得太久是非常危险的。大树外面,布兰找到了梅拉·黎德。梅拉仍然因为弟弟的死去而悲伤着。尽管梅拉不知道为什么自己需要在这里陪伴布兰, 叶子告诉她,当有一天布兰离开的时候,他需要梅拉的帮助...
- The episode is adapted from the following chapters of 冰雨的風暴:
- Chapter 45, Catelyn V: 巴隆·葛雷喬伊 is reported to have died after falling off a bridge in Pyke.
- The episode is adapted from the following chapters of 群鴉的盛宴:
- Chapter 1, The Prophet: 伊倫·葛雷喬伊 announces that the new king of the 鐵群島 will be elected in a Kingsmoot.
- Chapter 19, The Drowned Man: Asha ridicules the invasion to the North, claiming all they have is pebbles, pinecones and turnips.
- The episode is adapted from the following chapters of 魔龍的狂舞:
- Chapter 5, Tyrion II: Tyrion recalls how as a child he wanted a dragon as a gift for his nameday, perhaps not even a large one but a little one like him, yet his uncle laughed and told him they were exctint, so Tyrion cried himself to sleep that night.
- Chapter 16, Daenerys III: Envoys from 阿斯塔波 beg Daenerys to save their city.
- Chapter 26, The Wayward Bride: 深林堡 is retaken from the 鐵種.
- Chapter 34, Bran III: 布蘭·史塔克 uses the power of Heart Trees to look into the past. He sees his father and siblings when they were young in 臨冬城.
- Chapter 45, The Blind Girl: After being rendered blind by the 無面者, Arya continues her training with her remaining senses. As a test, a Faceless Man hits her with a stick.
- Chapter 46, A Ghost in 臨冬城: Theon is certain that 瓊恩·雪諾 will kill him if they meet.
- Chapter 51, Theon I: Theon tells Ramsay's wife that she will be taken to 瓊恩·雪諾 at the Wall.
- Chapter 68, The Dragontamer: One of Daenerys's suitors pays a visit to the dragons in the catacombs in ?彌林 in order to tame them, and they are consequently set free.
- Chapter 69, Jon XIII: 拉姆斯·波頓 (or someone posing as him) advocates murdering 瓊恩·雪諾 in order to get Theon and his bride back. Wun Wun kills someone by smashing him against a wall.
- The episode is adapted from the following chapters of 凜冬的寒風:
- Chapter unknown, Theon I: Theon parts ways with Ramsay's bride and her helpers.
- The remaining material appears to be based on what will come in the novel, particularly the resurrection of 瓊恩·雪諾 and the death of 盧斯·波頓.
At 臨冬城, Ramsay and Roose discuss plans with Harald Karstark regarding what to do about Sansa. After Ramsay suggests storming 黑城堡, Roose warns Ramsay that such an action would turn the entire North against 波頓家族 implying that if he does not act more sensibly he will be discarded. At that point, Maester Wolkan enters and announces that Roose's wife, Walda, has given birth to a baby boy. Ramsay, realizing that his position is weaker than ever, stabs his father to death and, in his position as the new Lord Bolton, he personally feeds Walda and his half-brother to the hounds.
In the woods, Brienne fills Sansa in on her encounter with Arya, whilst Sansa is reluctant to talk about her experiences under 拉姆斯·波頓's tyranny at 臨冬城. She admits that she ought to have accepted her help sooner. Then Theon, wracked with guilt over his betrayal of the Stark family, decides to leave the group and go home. He tells Sansa that Brienne and Pod will do a better job of looking after her, though he tearfully states that he would have gone with her all the way to 黑城堡 if necessary. He asks to take one of the horses with him, and the two share an embrace.
Still a beggar on the streets, Arya is again approached by the Waif, who asks her name. Arya says she is "no one", at which the Waif hits her. The Waif retorts that she doesn't believe that and neither does Arya. She tries to fight back, but the Waif vanishes, replaced with Jaqen H'ghar. He promises that if she says her name, Arya will sleep under a roof that night, that she will eat, and he will restore her eyes. Each time however Arya says she has no name. Satisfied, he tells Arya to follow him, and that she is a beggar no more.
彌桑黛 and 灰蟲子 tell Tyrion that Rhaegal and 韋賽利昂 have not been eating ever since Daenerys left. Tyrion explains that dragons do not do well in captivity and they will probably start eating again if they are unchained. He also suggests that dragons are intelligent enough to remember their friends, and that they will probably not harm 彌桑黛 if they meet her again, since she spent so much time with them when they were little. Tyrion and Varys go down below the pyramid, with Tyrion advancing into the darkness alone. One of the dragons emerges from the shadows and Tyrion maintains eye contact. When the other emerges, Tyrion puts down his torch and gently advances. To calm them, Tyrion talks gently about a time when he was little, and asked his uncle for a dragon – not even a large one, just a little one like him. They all laughed, then Tyrion's father told him dragons were extinct, and Tyrion says he cried himself to sleep that night. At this point, Tyrion is finally close enough to release the locking pin on the second dragon's collar. The other advances on him, then gingerly turns his head to the side so Tyrion can free him as well. The dragons retreat, and Tyrion hastily returns to 瓦里斯. Tyrion instructs Varys to punch him if he ever suggests doing anything like that again.
At Pyke, 阿莎·葛雷喬伊 reads a letter to King 巴隆·葛雷喬伊 about how Glovers retook 深林堡 and killed all of the 鐵種 who held the castle. Yara notes that their invasion is now a definite failure since 深林堡 was the last stronghold that the 鐵種 held in the North. Balon tells her that they will continue fighting, but Yara argues that invading the North is pointless since they are unable to hold the strongholds they conquer against the mainland armies and the strongholds in the mainlands aren't really valuable to the 鐵種 because they are so far away from the sea. Balon says that one of the reasons that the invasion wasn't successful was because Yara wasted men when she attempted to rescue Theon, which she says she will not apologize for. Yara continues to try to convince Balon to end the rebellion, saying the only reason they were able to take strongholds in the North in the first place was because the Northerners were in the south fighting a war, and now that war is over. She reminds Balon that the last time they provoked the Northerners too far they were crushed and her two oldest brothers were killed. Balon tells her that when she rules she can be content with their current standing, but for now she needs to obey his commands or he will make another heir who will.
Balon starts walking on the swinging rope bridge that separates two of the towers of Pyke. Through the storm, he sees a man standing on the bridge who is blocking his way. He tells the man to get out of the way, but the man reveals himself to be Balon's younger brother, 攸倫·葛雷喬伊. Balon tells him that he's surprised that he's still alive, and Euron mocks the Drowned God, telling Balon that he is the Drowned God. Balon explains that he heard a rumor that Euron lost his senses during a storm and his crew had to tie him to the mast of the ship to prevent him from jumping overboard. Euron doesn't deny the rumor, and explains to Balon that he cut the tongues out of all of his crew members because he wanted silence. Euron then says that Balon is too old to rule and that he's been ruling long enough and it's someone else's turn. Balon tells Euron that he isn't a true 鐵種 because he lost his wits during a thunderstorm and tries to stab him, but Euron throws him off the rope bridge to his death.
At Balon's funeral, Yara tells the priest, 伊倫·葛雷喬伊, Balon's youngest brother, that she will find the person who did this and feed them to sharks while they're still alive. She swears to do this upon the Salt Throne and Aeron explains to her that she isn't the ruler yet, because the law says that the Kingsmoot chooses the next ruler. Yara argues that her father wanted her to rule, but Aeron says that he doesn't make the law.
In a tavern, a man drunkenly boasts of having taunted Cersei during her walk of atonement to the great amusement of the other patrons. After he finishes his story, he leaves the tavern to urinate against a wall outside. As he is urinating, he is confronted by Ser 格雷果·克里岡, who kills him by smashing his head against the wall. Ser Gregor returns to Cersei's side following the murder.
Myrcella's funeral is held at the 貝勒大聖堂 but Cersei cannot attend. Tommen has ordered that Cersei be confined to the 紅堡 since he is concerned that the Faith Militant will re-arrest her if she steps inside the sept. In the sept, Jaime and Tommen talk about Myrcella and Prince Trystane. Tommen believes that Cersei is to blame for Prince Trystane's death but tells Jaime that he isn't upset with her. Jaime convinces Tommen to go see his mother and apologize to her as the High Sparrow enters the sept. After Tommen leaves, Jaime begins threatening the High Sparrow and asks him why Cersei is being punished for her sins, but he isn't, considering he murdered the king he vowed to protect. As Jaime is about to kill the High Sparrow, the High Sparrow seems to be unafraid to die, which confuses Jaime. The High Sparrow explains that if Jaime chooses to kill him then many of the sparrows will die fighting him, but it wouldn't really matter since they have no names or individual power. He says that they mean nothing individually, but together they can overthrow an empire.
Tommen visits Cersei in the 紅堡 and apologizes for not being more assertive during her imprisonment. He regrets letting the High Sparrow lock her away and says that he should have torn the sept down with the High Sparrow inside of it. He tells her that he needs her help in being a strong ruler. Cersei remains uncharacteristically silent throughout the exchange, but when Tommen is done speaking, she embraces him.
At 黑城堡, nightfall has arrived and the band of black brothers loyal to Jon have not yet surrendered. When Davos refuses a final ultimatum from Ser 艾里沙·索恩, the acting Lord Commander orders the door to be battered down with a sledgehammer. Before the mutineers can break in however, Edd returns with 托蒙德 and an army of 野人. Though Thorne demands that the watchmen stand and fight, they are intimidated into surrender by the giant, Wun Wun, enabling an almost bloodless takeover; only two watchmen die resisting the Wildlings, who have no casualties. Thorne, plus Olly and the officers who mutinied alongside him, are led away to the Ice Cells. As 托蒙德 inspects Jon's corpse, Davos visits 梅麗珊卓, who has donned her normal glamor but is still gripped by a crisis of faith. When he asks her if reviving Jon is a possibility, she admits to having seen it done, but insists that she cannot do it, having lost faith in the Lord of Light due to the failure of her predictions regarding 史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩 to come true. After Davos implores her simply to try, she agrees. After washing Jon's wounds clean and burning his hair, she attempts to revive him using murmured High Valyrian incantations, but it seems they have no effect. After a moment, 托蒙德 leaves, and 梅麗珊卓 offers a final "please" in the 通用語, but leaves the room, despondent. Edd and finally Davos follow her a moment later. Once the room is empty however, 白靈, who had been sleeping underneath the table upon which Jon was lying, perks up, and Jon suddenly awakens, gasping for air.
布蘭·史塔克 continues his training under the 三眼烏鴉 at the tree. He is shown a scene from 臨冬城, watching his father and Uncle Benjen training in the yard as young boys. He also sees his Aunt Lyanna and 阿多 before he became simple, when he was known as Wylis. Though Bran wants to stay, he is dragged out of the vision by the 三眼烏鴉, who warns him that it is dangerous to stay too long in such visions. Outside the tree, Bran finds 梅拉·黎德, who still appears to be in mourning over her brother's death. Though Meera questions the point of her presence during Bran's training, Leaf states that Bran will need her when he leaves the tree.